What is happening?

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Lucy POV

I wake up all of a sudden. "Not again" I mumble to myself quickly running to the bathroom. I vomit everything in my system, it gets so bad that I end up running out of things to throw up and I am left uncomfortably gagging.

I hear foot steps as someone rushes to the bathroom door. I sit leaning against the wall next to the toilet. Natsu stands in the doorway with worried eyes.

"Again?" He asks even though he knows exactly what happened but I still nod my head anyway. He sighs and comes over and sits next to me. He wraps his arm behind my neck and we sit there for a while. Its nice to know Natsu truly cares.

We sit there until I begin gagging again and return to my position over the toilet seat. I feel a warm hand rub over my back to comfort me.

"Lucy you are getting worse. Do you want me to go get Wendy for you?" He asks truly concerned. I sit back down next to Natsu and lean my head against his chest.

"I can wait till morning and then ill ask Wendy to look me over ok?" I say to hopefully calm Natsu a little. He has been really protective lately and worried about my health because it is rare for me to get this sick. He nods and gets up to go to the kitchen.

Tonights going to be a long night.

Natsu POV

It was a long night last night. Lucy kept throwing up even with nothing left in her stomach. She was in pain and I was worried. Her health has never been this bad. Ever.

Early in the morning we end up heading to the guild. Lucy still can't hold down anything. We constantly have to stop for Lucy to arch over a bin and bring up burning stomach acids. I hope its just a 24 hour virus and nothing too serious because I hate seeing Lucy like this.

When entering the guild, before anyone can greet Lucy, she rushes up to the infirmary.

"What's wrong with Lucy?" Gray asks walking up to me. I yawn and go to sit down.

"She has been vomiting for ages now and it has gotten to the stage where only stomach acids are coming up. She is only here to see Wendy then she said she is going home to rest" I say sadly staring towards the table.

"I hope Lu-chan is ok" Says Levy as she comes and sits across the table from me.

"So do I"

Wendy POV

I walk into the and somethings not quite right. I walk over to Mira but before I can say anything, "Wendy, Lucy has been vomiting all night and we don't know why. Can you go check her out please?" Natsu says with a worried expression.

"Ah yeah sure, just give me a sec. Mira when I come back can you have an orange juice ready for me?" Mira nods and I head towards the infirmary.

When I enter I see Lucy hunched over a bin, vomiting up stomach acids. I rush over to see her crying in pain. Lucy is never this sick.

When she has finished I get her to lay carefully on one of the beds. I do some tests and find she hasn't got a virus but there is something else very strange. I haven't ever seen a test result like this. I look through some medical books to find something very interesting. I walk over to Lucy and relieve her pain and stop the nausea. She then falls asleep from exhaustion.

I walk down to the bar and receive my orange juice from Mira. Natsu rushes straight over to me. "So......what's wrong with her?" Everyone is looking at me for an answer now.

I instruct Natsu to follow me and I find a very secretive place to tell him. He looks at me with a very nervous look. "Natsu you might want to sit" I say calmly. He sits and waits patiently for me to continue.

"She hasn't got any virus or sickness so you don't have to worry about that" Natsu lets out a sigh but then becomes confused.

"Then why is she like this?." He asks completely frustrated.

"Well Natsu, congratulations. You're going to be a father" He looks at me still confused and not quite sure what I mean.

"Lucy isn't sick Natsu, She is pregnant"

I hope you enjoyed this chapter because I enjoyed writing it. I would like to also dedicate this chapter to Skye_Trancy and candy-chan081 for helping me out with my fanfics.

Till next time,

Shiro_Yuki out.

This is Nashi (Second book to the This is Nalu series) (Fairy Tail Fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu