Chapter 12

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Mi Na Pov:

"That is one of the craziest stories I've ever heard!" Sengri laughed. Mingi and I cooked in the kitchen of Jiyongs house. JiYong and Taeyang told them my story.

"Question! Two actually." Seung Hyun said pulling attention from cutting the vegetables.

"Shoot." I said calmly.

"What date, and why that date?"

"March 17th. Why. His mother died on that date, he lost his virginity on that date, he joined his father's company on that date-"

"And he lost his fiancé on that date."  Jiyong still couldn't grasp the fact that I was someones fiancé. Neither could I. I loved Yongguk, leaving him on such terms, I was blinded by anger, pain, and rejection. Deep down I knew I still want Yongguk in my life, as a friend, boyfriend, husband.

"Apparently he wanted to test his luck on that." Deasung suggested.

"He was unlucky." I heard Minji say behind me.

"Of course he was. Idiot. Why test your luck on your special day?" Sengri asked.

"Well many good happened on that day. He loved March the 17th more than his birthday day.  We met on March 17th." I smiled widely.

"How did you meet that crazy bastard anyway?" Seung Hyun asked calmly.

"I remember that day like it was yesterday, a very fun day, one of the best days of my life." I said blindly.

Panicked I snuck a look at Jiyong. Hurt was in his eyes but he said no words. Dam him for keeping his mouth shut, making me feel guilty.

"I met him in college.  I was a sophmore but i switched colleges. That college was a maze.  I was there for my business major and a major in music. My first day I was lost, of course," I let out a small laugh of reasurrence but continued, " Every corner I  turned he was there, he was there to point in the right direction. After some time I realized that he was sending me to places he would be. "

《《《《《 《《 FLASHBACK 》》》》》》》

Ah I see what he's doing!  I walked and made a right just Yongguk instructed and sure enough there he was. He was drinking from a water fountain. "Oh. fancy meeting you here." He said cooly. He wiped his lips and gave a chillng smile.

"Can you give the RIGHT direction to room C103?"

"Ive been giving you the right directions. Your such a clumsy girl you always make the wrong turns."

"And ened up turning  and running into you?" I let out a small laugh.

"Im always where I need to be." He winked cooly at me.

"Point me in the right direction."

Following his directions again I moved in past people in the not so empty but empty hallway. I made a left and saw him talking to another man. He turned his head in my direction and sighed. "Lost again?" He yelled.

"Yeah. Can you point me in the right direction?"


"Whoa his character then is something else." Seungri said.

"His character now is something." Jiyong said, pissed. " That XX-"

"Oppa can I talk to you for a minute." I said.

"No." He stayed where he was. My attitude started to creep in.

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