Chapter 3

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Instead of a Bug in front of us, it was another car. In all honesty I did know what kind of car it was, I was not all that familiar with cars and their names. It was a matalic red car with four doors, black leather seats, and a built in GPS. It was just a really pretty, expensive looking car.

Strapping a half sleep Shi Nam in the backseat I started to pull out. When my alarm clock went off this morning I got my self dressed. I didn't know what to wear so I put on a grey tank top with ruffles on it, and some dress pants and the only pair of wedge's Mrs. Park packed for me. I also put on eyeliner and a natural shade of eye shadow.

People considered me and I brother as beautiful people, on the outside. Seeing that I kick people's asses for picking and beating on my brother on daily basis, we were also considered crazy on the inside. I knew I was beautiful, I got hit on more than the average slut, because I had curves and nice "Lumps". My eyes were big and my lips were full, with a natural red. My hair was caramel colored and curly. Everyone always told me my appearance was welcoming and appetizing, what ever the hell that meant. I just took it as a compliment.

Since it was Monday Shi Nam had his school uniform on. I almost forgot he had school so I drove quickly so he could make it to school in time. When I pulled up to the school I spotted his mentor Lee Chi Suk, handsome and silently waiting.

"Lee Chi Suk why so lonely?" He and I were good friends, his little brother was the same as mine so we often hung out together.

"New Car? Take good care of it. No scratches! Ya, I heard they got you out of the house what happened?" He had the look of concern on his face. I told him about Shi Nam getting beat up, Chairman Kwon, our new place, and my new job. "Its like that man planned everything."

"Exactly like he knew he was going to meet us and I'd need a job and a place to stay. How did he know i was jobless?!"

"Ask him don't look at me! It's 8:30 you better get going, you might need the extra time, knowing you, you'd get lost in the airport."

Shi Nam got out of the car and blew me a kiss. He grabbed Chi Suk's shirt like always and waited to be lead inside the school. When they were inside I drove off and headed to the airport.

Lee Chi Suk was right, he was always right. It was 9:27 and I was lost inside the airport. I had a good half hour to find the right gate.  I found it with a good ten minutes to spare. I leaned on a rail and held the sign, with Jiyong's name on it, to my face. Since he was coming from America I took the liberty to write his name in English and Korean on the size able cardboard I "found".

I patiently waited for my new boss to arrive. I was so bored that I began to play games on my phone and listen to music. Block B's Very Good played loudly in my ears, and my eyes were focused on the game that I was playing. It wasn't until a nudge to the rib broke my attention. I looked at a young girl, who nodded to a person in front of me.

Shit how long has he been standing there? I slowly put down the sign and saw him staring at me through his sunglasses. Might I say his airport fashion is something nice. He had on a black loose turtle neck sweater, and tight shinning black pants, with white suede shoes. His white hair rested on his sunglasses. He wore many rings on his finger and a sick gold watch. He was beyond handsome, he was breath taking.

Bowing in a 90 degree angle I said,"Hello, My name is Kim Mi Na. I'm your new personal assistant." I pulled out my hand, but he didn't take it. Instead he reached for his phone and pushed a button and placed the phone to his ear.

"Get rid of it!" He said to the person on the other end. Who is he calling an it? "I don't need her, Father. She could be crazy like the last ones. She could seduce me or give me drugs." Fact about me: Your firsts words determine what I think of you. Our first meeting and he thinks I'm a psycho? Asshole. Already putting labels on each other in the first ten seconds of our new "partnership".

Annoyed I let out a laugh. I took the only suitcase he had and began walking. I didn't care if he followed or not. The asshole could walk home for all I care. Curious I turned around and saw that he still hasn't left. Shaking my head I went inside a coffee shop. I order a bagel and Carmel Frap. After a two minute wait I began to retreat to the nearest booth till I saw an upset figure glaring at me, arms folded. "Is that for me?" He asked. I laughed in his face and sat down in a booth and began sipping my Frap.

"You'll get yours when you order it. I don't want you to think I'm drugging you. Nor do I want to seduce you with my Feminine ways. For your information, I don't have to drug or seduce a man to get him."

Taking off his sunglasses he looked at me, giving me the head to toe check out. Letting out a huge gust of air he turned around and went to place his order. We ate and drank our food in silence. When we were done Mr. Asshole let me guide him to the car. I threw his bag in the trunk, much harder than expected, and closed it. He glared at me with disapproval.

"What? What!? What?!" I yelled.

"Do you not now the meaning of fragile? That is someone else's property you know!" He shouted back.

"Ya does it look I give a dam about a suitcase? Get in the dam car and tell me where the hell we're going?"

"Your going home, looking for another job if you keep raising your voice at me. I'm not some random jackass you can just yell at." He got in the backseat and slammed the car door.

"Baby got an attitude.  Jackass " I said in a squeaky voice, after him.


Now that they've met let the story officially begin

R.O.D  ( G Dragon FanFic) [Completed!]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu