Chapter 2

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The car stopped at a nice apartment complex. " Most of my workers don't have a place to stay, so they live here. Since you'll be working as a personal assistant to my son, I guess you deserve some place nice to stay. How bout the penthouse?" Chairman Kwon tossed me a key, attached to it was the letter "P" key on the chain.

"Penthouse?" Shi Nam and I looked shocked. Shi Nam probably didn't even understand what was going on, at that moment neither did I.

"I bought a building with another corporation and let my workers live there as well theirs. Making it interesting we also let random people live here that have nothing to with our business."

"You just bought a building no questions asked? Where exactly am I working?"

"KT Group. I own Kwon Suites-"

"The three building hotel?!" Yes three buildings. KT group was a major group. The we're like the drama Lie To ME popular, the business. Everyone wanted to either stay or work at this hotel. It was huge, not only did was it the biggest and best hotel in Korea, it became its own business corporation. It isn't part of another group, its only partnered with other Huge ranked groups. I'm going to work there?

" Now get out. You start work tomorrow and your first task is to pick up your boss from the the airport." Chairman handed me a packet in a huge envelope. Where the hell did this come from? This must be one prepared man, like he knew he was going to met me today and offer a place to stay and a job?

The driver quickly got out our suitcases and placed them on the curd. Shi Nam excitedly got out of the car. "SO COOL! COOL! Unnie Noona!" Shi Nam screamed and jumped around. Grabbing him, I quickly bowed at a respectful 90 degree angle at Kwon Taik quickly and entered the building, with our bags. Going to the elevator I cautiously pressed the penthouse button.

Our room was huge! The floor was wooden, yet smooth and soft on my feet. The black leather furniture complemented the the light gray walls. The flat screen T.V took half the space on the wall. The kitchen had white, black, and grey tiled walls and granite counter tops. The two door fridge was filled with food, nothing was expired, everything was nice and fresh.

On one wall there were three doors. Door number one was automatically Shi Nam's. The Room had really light blue walls and a twin bed with black sheets. It had a decent size T.V. with many channels. The black dresser held on top a picture of American singer Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson, both pictures signed and nicely framed. Door number too was just a nicely tiled bathroom with a separate bath and shower. Door number three was all me; Light green walls and queen size bed with cream colored sheets and dresser. Instead of pictures there were fake flowers and an empty jewelry box.

"Shi Nam come on let's get you cleaned up now." He still had blood on his face and was pretty bruised up. " Do you wanna turn on the bathtub or do you wanna get your clothes?" Without answering Shi Nam ran to his room, leaving me to walk to the bathroom and set up his bath.

He came into the bathroom slowly and unsure holding his cloths. He then began to undressed, starting with his pants. He was always shy when it came to bath time, which was everyday. I began to laugh when he got stuck taking of his shirt, like always he began to panicked and I was there quickly by his side to help him. When he was free he jumped in the tub, and let me go to work on him.

Washing his back I said, "Ya Shi Nam sshi, I'll do my best to keep this job so we can live here forever."

"Ani, I'll get a job and I'll take care of you like you take care of me, Unnie Noona." I gave him the wash cloth so he could get any spots I missed.

Unnie Noona, that was my name to him. Kim Shi Nam didn't understand the Unnie and Noona situation so just put the two word together and some how that became my name. I never questioned what he did, it wasn't because he was challenged. I honestly and personally thought it was cute and clever. His innocent and feminine looks would have let him get away with anything. Although when he opened his mouth people looked at him with those disgusted looks on their faces, it pissed me of. It was something he was born with, our mother leaving us at the train station didn't help his case either. I did everything in my power to protect him. If Shi Nam was the reason I can't keep my love life entertaining then so be it. Shi Nam was the only man I was looking at. He was 18, three years younger than me, and look at him, healthy and living, because of his Unnie Noona.

After he had fell asleep in his new room I, myself, took a hot shower. The warm water slid down my back soothing it. I brushed my teeth in the shower as well, an old habit of mine. When I was dressed and back in my room I looked at the envelope on my bed. I slowly went to open it. As I pulled out all the contents inside I laid on my stomach.

Inside was a picture of a really handsome man. His white hair gelled back slightly. His eyes were welcoming as well as his small smile. He was a hand full? I guess I'll just have to wait and see. Flipping the picture over I read the back:

Kwon JiYong

Age 25

Arrive time: 10 am

"Be on time! Good Luck"

So this was his son? I can't see the resemblance, none of my business. Going back to look at the rest of the contents I notice a set of car keys, please tell me I'm the owner of a convertible. Reading the note attached:

"How are you getting to work? How bout a small reliable car. When I started off I hot bug car. ENJOY!"

A convertible would have been nice but a car is a car. I attached the car keys to the house key, and put everything away. I set the alarm clock on the dresser for 7:30. Why so early 1.) Shi Nam couldn't come with so I was planning on taking him to Mrs. Park. 2.) I had to drive from Mrs. Parks home to the airport, a long drive. 3.) I had no idea where the hell I was going, I hope I'll have GPS, if not I'd be using the navigation system on my phone. With that I laid in my new bed and let the darkness take over my eyes and mind and drifted off in to a deep sleep.

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