chapter fifteen

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Louis untied the pointe shoes from his ankles, rolling them to loosen them up from his previous tense position. A little girl walked up to him, smiling and reaching her arms up to be held. Louis smiled and kissed her forehead, hugging her tightly.

"Goodbye, Hadley. You'll do great in your recital, sweetie. Go find mommy okay? And tell her thank you for letting me have you for the evening" Louis praised, putting his student down and leaving her running towards her mother who smiled and waved before leaving his studio.

Louis' phone began to ring as he was packing his office things away, ready to go home. "Hey, Mum!"

"Hey, Lou. You're still coming tonight right?"

"Yes, Mum, of course!" Louis promised, laughing lightly at his mother.

"Well Liam and Niall arrived yesterday and you've been gone for the last five Christmases and everyone has been waiting for you, love."

"Yes, Mum," Louis rolled his eyes, "I'll actually be there this year, I've just been busy with the studio."

Louis hadn't been back to England since he had left. When he first arrived he soon realized his passion for ballet and immediately started lessons alongside working in a library and a coffee shop to pay for living in France. After a year, he got to dance as the black swan in the Opéra national de Paris and since then, the opera has been paying him to give ballet lessons to young children at a studio in downtown.

He couldn't just leave, and as much as he wanted to go home to his family, it was just too busy. Until now.

"Harry's coming, are you prepared?" Johanna asked carefully.

Harry was always a touchy subject.

Harry had promised to return after a year and he did, however, Louis didn't, which was surprising and disheartening. But that was Louis' first show. His first ballet and he'd invited Harry to come but the man declined and didn't call back after that.

"Yes, I'm prepared. I'll be fine," Louis reassured.

Louis hadn't dared to say the word Daddy since after the airport and he didn't plan on it either. He was put together now. He had a life that made the comfort of DLLB un-needed and that was okay with him. BDSM was inevitably in the picture but he hadn't been with anyone since he left England and he didn't plan on being with anyone unless it was Harry.

Harry, in California, had become a quick sensation. He'd made his way around with women though, not shocking to Louis, nevertheless painful though.

He was excited to see Harry again but he didn't know what old wounds this would bring up.

He went straight from the studio to the airport, his bags already packed in his trunk. He grabbed his dance bag and two suitcases, shivering in the cold December air, and went through all the customs needed to get him onto the plane. The flight was quick, Louis marking dance steps for most of the flight and watching his old Black Swan performances on Youtube before landing. Most of them had over 500 thousand views. He'd made quite the fan base in the dance world.

He stepped away from the boarding station, immediately seeing Liam and Niall and running towards his older twin to be held. He immediately felt the nostalgia from every night Louis had become little when Harry wasn't around and Liam was stuck trying to comfort the boy the best he could.

"Hey Lou!" Niall greeted, patting the boy backs watching his husband hug the boy tightly. Liam proposed after a year at university and they eloped instead of having a wedding, making it easy on Louis and easier on their mums. Niall still liked to be little occasionally but mostly stayed on the BDSM side of the lifestyle. Liam loved it.

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