chapter two

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Louis didn't intentionally come late to the final soccer celebration. It's true, he hadn't. However, Stan didn't seem to think so.

"What were you doing? With some other guy?" Stan whisper-yelled. Louis stood, his wrists captured by Stan's rough grip.

"No! No! Stan I promise. I was just doing homework and lost track of time." Louis tried to explain before things got too crazy.

"That's bullshit, Tomlinson. What were you doing? Probably fucking the neighbor, you dirty whore."

Louis' eyes filled with a mixture of tears and shock. Stan had never said something like that before. Yes, Stan had some type of bipolar disorder and anger issues but never had he been very violent with Louis and the way Stan was gripping his wrist right this moment was breaking that.

"Stan, don't call me that. I promise, I was there most of the time and the only time I wasn't I swear I was doing homework." Louis pleaded.

"Stop making excuses! Just admit you cheated on me!"

Louis was getting fed up. He began to yell out another honest excuse until the sound of skin on skin contact rang throughout Stan's apartment.

"Shut up, whore," Stan snapped before walking out of the room, leaving Louis with tears in his eyes and a large red hand print on his left cheek. He cradled his own face in shock, not daring to glance at the mirror he knew was on his right. Louis walked straight out the door.

The small boy didn't begin to cry until he was walking back to his home. The walking turned into running and soon he was at his small house. The driveway was empty except for Liam's car and Louis prayed that Liam didn't have friends over, which was unlikely but the boy could only hope.

He opened the door and whimpered out a small "Liam?"

"Lou-Lou? What's wrong, baby boy?" Liam immediately got up from his place on the couch to rush over to his younger brother.

"Stan," was the only thing the pixie boy could get out before he started sobbing, latching onto his taller brother and crying into his shoulder.

Harry sat, staring confused and shocked. He'd never seen Louis this hurt. Yes, they liked to play around in a completely platonic way but Harry respected Stan and Louis being together. He teased Louis a lot but he also held his hand and looked out for him when Stan wasn't there to do the job of a good boyfriend.

"Lou, what did he do, love?" Liam asked gently. Louis just stared at him with sad eyes before turning his head to reveal his cheek. Liam didn't say a word, catching Harry's attention. He looked up.

"Fucking bitch!" Harry slammed his fist into the nearest wall causing a hole. "What the hell? Why would he..." Harry groaned and stormed upstairs.

"I didn't mean to upset him, Li. I didn't mean to. I swear it. I just got caught up in the schoolwork and missed the first half of the celebration and I promise I didn't mean to. I didn't, I really didn't. I didn't cheat on him, I'm not a whore. Right? I'm not a whore I can't be a whore. Liam, I'm so-"

Liam shushed his brother, feeling the small boys heart beating against his chest scared him. "Lou, just calm down. No one is upset. You're not a whore, little one." Liam comforted.


"Nuh-uh. Stop. C'mon love, let's calm down." Liam stopped Louis from speaking again by gently placing his head on his own shoulder and letting Louis cry. Eventually, the boy cried himself to sleep so Liam carried him up the stairs and into his pink and blue bedroom. Liam laid the pixie boy under the polka dot duvet comforter and kissed his temple. He flicked on the unicorn nightlight on the nightstand and shut the door quietly.

Liam hesitantly entered his own room, seeing Harry on the bed. "Hey," he spoke softly.

"Why the hell does he like that douche bag?" Harry responded coldly, running his hands through his hair. "Stan is such a prick, Liam. I don't know how much longer I can take this. I just want to kill the little-"

"Hey, hey. We're talking about Louis. Not Stan. What the hell was that? You can't get upset like that around him," Liam scolded.

"Oh, but I can! Louis is a baby sunflower, Liam. He's delicate and literally the sun therefore it's my job as the badass brothers best friend to assist you and him in anything you need! That's bro code, man. And your little fairy Peter Pan brother just got slapped or maybe even punched across the face and we're just gonna ignore it? What the hell kind of brother are you?" Harry snapped.

"I'm the type of brother that has chill, Harry. Louis needed a shoulder to CRY ON. Not someone to freak out and punch a hole in the wall. I understand being upset, cause damn right I am. But at the same you need to understand that its Stan. Not some random guy on the team. Louis' love of his life and our brother on the pitch. So calm your balls and let's talk about this logically," Liam calmly stated.

Harry groaned before agreeing. "We're gonna go to Stan's and just talk to him. Listen to his side of the story," Harry said through gritted teeth.

"Exactly," Liam spoke proudly.


Although, Harry and Liam had talked about a pre-plan of what to do about Stan, neither knew exactly how to approach him about what had happened.

Harry seemed to want a more violent approach of sorts. All he really needed was to scare Stan, just a little, but enough to get him away from Louis.

Liam desired a verbal beatdown. He wanted to make Stan frightened, like Harry, however, he didn't want to throw punches or push him against a wall or anything but talk.

Louis was still beaten up over the incident, as he should be. Louis knew that "I love you, I'm sorry" wouldn't be acceptable this time. Not with him, not with Liam, and not with Harry.

"When do you plan on fixing this?" Liam's tone stayed soft and gentle with his baby brother.

"I'm not sure," Louis hesitated, looking down at his ripped skinny jeans then glancing back up, "I'm so over this. I know you would like to help, Li. But, I think I can handle this one. Just this once, I can handle it," Louis said. His voice was strained, a lump forming in his throat.

"Louis William, no you can not," Liam snapped.

Louis' tears fell, his face screwing into a disappointed scowl. "I don't love him anymore. I want out," Louis looked at Liam intently, "get me out bubba."

Louis was desperate. His tone showed it. He wanted to get away from Stan. It wasn't unheard of and it wasn't unexpected. It was what Louis needed right now.

Liam pulled Louis closer to him, letting him cry and sob into his neck. Liam rocked him back and forth, whispering soothing words into his ear. Louis slowly only sniffled and the tears stopped running down his face. "Feeling small, Little Lou?" Liam questioned after seeing Louis' hands fist his shirt.

Louis lifted his head out of Liam's neck to nod, place his thumb in his mouth and tuck his head back into the previous position. "Want daddy," the small boy mumbled.

Liam immediately got Harry on the phone.

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