chapter five

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Although things had gone back to normal between Liam and Louis, Louis was convinced Harry still never wanted him around.

Louis was still insecure, he still barely ate, and he still didn't slip into little space.

So nothing was back to normal, actually.

"Louis, talk to Harry today, yeah?" Liam just wanted to see Harry and Louis cuddled up on the couch again. He wanted his best friends back, back together.

"Ill try, Li."

Louis had been saying that for a week.

Harry was going crazy. His hair was long, greasy; he had been wearing the same jeans for three days and only switched back and forth from white to black shirts.

The school had also started getting restless. The sudden feud between Liam, Harry, and Stan showed on the field. They'd lost 4 games in the past 2 weeks because of the three boys and their selfishness.

Basically, everything sucked.

But this Monday was different. Harry cut his hair. His beautiful curls were gone and Louis wanted to sob, truly shocked.

This was it.

Louis broke into a sprint, straight for Harry.

"Haz," Louis sobbed. His arms immediately went up around his neck and Harry lifted the small boy up and around his waist. Louis breathed in Harry's scent, sobbing and gurgling "I'm so sorry" over and over again.

Harry rubbed the smaller boys back, his eyes still sad, but a small smile finally littered his lips.

Louis' head popped up from Harry's shoulder; "let's go home."

Harry nodded with a smile and walked Louis straight to the parking lot and into his jeep: (Louis had started driving himself to school since Liam picked Niall up in the mornings.)

Louis drove, his hand settling in Harry's sweetly.

"Louis, I know we'll have to talk but right now I just want to lay in a field, hold hands with you, and pretend that none of this ever happened. Can we please do that?"

Louis immediately pulled to the side of the road, which happened to be a field, pulled out a blanket from the back seat of his wrangler and got out of the car. Harry smiled before sliding out too.

They laid there until the sun hung loosely to their right, almost set. They took pictures in the flowers and kissed until their lips were stained with the love of each other.


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"What, Styles? You're hogging the ball."

Harry glared at Stan before stealing the ball from between his feet; dribbling the ball between his feet skillfully, Harry passed to Niall who passed to Liam. Liam ran down the field, dodging players of the opposing team and shooting the ball into the net.

The crowd stood and cheered; Liam and Harry hugged on the field roughly before getting back into their starting positions.

Stan immediately ran for the ball, going off sides, and into Liam's territory. Cutting Liam off, Stan trips him to get to the ball and shoot it into the goal, missing terribly. A yellow flag laid next to Liam.

"Off sides!," the ref yelled loudly, glaring at Stan.

The score was 3-2, and the cougars were up.

The team got into a huddle, and as captains Harry and Liam both spoke to their team.

"Listen, despite what's happened the last two weeks, this game means everything. We're graduating, guys, we have to win. This one's for us."

"Guys, you've been my brothers so let's act like it," Liam announced, keeping it short and sweet. He watched Stan roll his eyes but ignored it and chanted "cougars on three, cougars on three, one, two, three."


They broke, each player going into position, trying to stay as focused as possible. Their opponents broke from their huddle before nodding to the ref, signaling they were ready.

The ball was kicked off, going straight to Niall. He dribbled before passing to Harry, and Harry passed to Liam. Liam dodged other players left and right, keeping the ball in his possession. Stan was on Liam's right, Harry on his left, leaving Liam torn on who to pass to. Instead, he kept moving forward.

Finally, a blonde haired boy rammed into him, taking the ball and going back towards Niall, who was playing defense. Niall fought for the ball, and passed it back to Harry.

The ball went from player to player until Harry was 3/4 of the way down the field, preparing to shoot. He looked around him, seeing all the players far behind him. He went for it then.

He bicycle kicked the ball into the net, the tips of the goalies fingers grazing the bottom before it finally hit the back.

2-4 with 15 seconds left, the cougars had won.

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