Chapter 26

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I was so tired so I got out of the frozen lake, changed my shoes and just lie on the pile of snow on the ground and look at the sky.

" Tired already?" Jack was flying to where I was looking.

I sat up " well unlike you, I'm not a guardian and I need to breathe.

"well I don't need to breathe. I'm technically dead." he smirked and lie down next to me on the snow with his hands behind his head.

I lie back down onto the pile of snow.

"The sky is beautiful isn't it?" he said.

"huh? yea.. it does." I smiled.

I look at Jack. Why do you have to lose your memories? We would be having so much fun by now. I thought to myself. I look back at the sky, closed my eyes and remembered all the fun times we had.

I smiled and cried as I missed all the fun times.

"Hey why are you crying?" 

I opened up my eyes and saw Jack looking at me. I quickly sat up and wiped away my tears.

"Its er.. nothing."

"Something seems to be troubling you." He said with a curious face.

"Really its nothing."

"Come on Elsa you are so bad at lying."

"How do you know whether I am lying?"

"oh you always cry when something is wrong. Like that last time went you fell down the roof."

 I look at the floor and put my hand behind my neck." heheheh." I then put on hand down on the floor and turn to Jack.

"How did you know Ifell down the roof? Did you remember the incident?"  

"I... I don't know It just came to me." He said ruffling his hair.

"Then do you remember me?"

"I don't know."

"You must remember me Jack. We used to have so much fun together." I held onto his arm tightly.

"Elsa you are holding me too tight." He tried to break my hand away from his arm.

"Please remember Jack." Tears started falling down my cheeks.

"ELSA STOP!"  He used force and flew up making me let go of him.

"What's so important to remember you anyway? Things will still be the same. I got to go." He turn his back on me and flew away.

"Jack wait!" I shouted but he simply ignored me.

I fell to the ground crying.

"Elsa? Elsa!" 

I turn to the direction of the voice. It was Anna. 

"What are you doing here?"

"Err I followed you here." Anna Said with a awkward smile.

"You what?!?" 

"Can we go back to Arendelle first then we talk about this?"

"Ok." I wiped away my tears and followed Anna back to Arendelle.

Are you going to avoid me from now on Jack?  I thought to myself. I turned to the direction where Jack left and turn back walking back to Arendelle.

Together Always (jelsa fan-fic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें