The Festivities and the Convict

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The Festivities and the Convict

Usually, Christmas was hosted at the Burrow, but not this year, it would seem.

In light of all that had transpired before the holidays, they were holding the Yuletide gathering at 12 Grimmauld Place - the dingy residence of Sirius Black, Potter's godfather and an ex-con, although Sanguine was assured that he was innocent - and promptly sworn to secrecy. All in all, it was a more enlightening experience than his holidays usually were, especially when he sat down for a little chat with Harry.

'So you're learning occlumency from Snape?' he asked, wincing. Snape was not a patient man, and he did not like the boy.

He even received some presents from the other Princes and students. Clavicus had found some particularly nasty love potions and sent a book along from the Malfoy library on how to make them; Mephala had sent him a tactful bunch of red roses, while he had received a customary Weasley jumper in red and black. Vaermina's gift was one that made him snort - scented candles, cited to help mortals get a restful night. Sharing a knowing smirk across the table at the irony of the present, Vaermina had to try to explain to her bemused family that Sam had been having dreadful nights, tossing and turning.


He began trying to help Potter with his occlumency; meditation and focus weren't his strong points, so while encouraging him to practice being calm, Sanguine knew he was a Gryffindor.

'Perhaps offence could be your best defence,' he mused, recalling Potter's horror story of a first lesson. He also realised that, really, he was on the side of the boy-who-lived in the grand scheme of things. Although he wasn't alone in that view, he knew that several people did disagree - notably Molag Bal and Vaermina, both of whom supported Voldemort. Ah well, it would work itself out. He hoped that Clavicus would appreciate his present, although he had warned him not to open it in front of the "family". Narcissa was a lovely woman, and did not need to see the latex present her teenage son had received.

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