The Fight and the Potion

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The Fight and the Potion

After breakfast, Sanguine had double potions with the Gryffindors, which meant that not only did he get to watch Molag - Boethiah interaction, but he could witness Potter being berated by his head of house. Malfoy, on the other hand, had started to vaguely irritate him from the fourth year onwards. He prayed (to, well, himself. He wasn't going to give Julianos or Stendarr the satisfaction) that he wouldn't be so insufferable this lesson.

'Look out, Potter,' Draco sneered as he shoved Potter, hard, as he walked to the supplies cupboard. It looked as though a little peace and quiet was too much to ask for. This had been entertaining for him, once upon a time when he felt vague pity for the Malfoy boy with the broken home, but he found himself simply not caring. Perhaps this was how teachers felt - he finally understood Professor Snape's hatred for children.

'Class.' Speaking of whom. The one word was enough to send the occupants of the room scrambling to their seats, with Sanguine sat beside Namira, his partner, and Molag and Boethiah on his other side.

In the lesson, they were supposed to be brewing an Invigoration Potion under the watchful eye of their Professor. Namira, after receiving her own little pick-me-up, was much more useful to him than usual, and was actually chopping ingredients, albeit badly. Sanguine was the self-proclaimed potion's master of the two, and was spinning around happily as he picked up ingredients and stirred them in. Molag and Boethiah (Hermaeus knows why) were partnered together and were still squabbling over the ingredients - presumably, Molag wanted to be in charge of the potion making, and Boethiah was having none of it.

After watching in amusement as the pair of arguing Gryffindors lost twenty points, Sanguine handed in his and Namira's potion and the pair departed the room ten minutes early. Namira disappeared off to... wherever she tended to occupy herself, while Sanguine headed to the nifty little Room of Requirement to meet Sheo, Mephala and Vaermina during their free period.

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