The Holidays and the Hufflepuff

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The Holidays and the Hufflepuff

It wasn't until a few weeks later that Sanguine heard of anything nearly as interesting happening. A rather disheartened Nocturnal approached him, to comment on how bad the golden trio ('Sanguine that's actually such a bad name.' 'Shut up Hermaeus.') were at being sneaky. Apparently, they'd formed a secret defence club because of how bad Namira's pet was at teaching, and seeing as it was a secret, Nocturnal knew all about it.

'Well I feel slightly insulted,' Sanguine muttered.

'Don't take it personally,' his fellow Slytherin replied with a shrug. 'They don't trust our house. Sheo'll probably invite you along anyway. Hermaeus knows why he got invited.' There was a pause before they simultaneously said "Lovegood". With a sigh, Sanguine deduced that they'd be meeting next weekend in Hogsmeade, probably somewhere where they could meet without drawing suspicion. After a moment, he disregarded the Shrieking Shack. It'd be one of the pubs, at a guess - Hermaeus would be proud of him.

'This looks suspicious,' Vaermina grumbled, appearing behind the two without so much of a sound. 'Discussing the secret defence club?'

'Did everyone know about this but me?' Sanguine demanded.

'Potter's been having some interesting dreams,' Vaermina said with a sigh. 'It's interesting to watch in. Twiddle some dials. If he weren't so dense, he'd find the hidden meaning in them.'

'We can't all be as good at finding things as you,' Sanguine quipped, unable to resist himself, before fleeing. It wasn't until he was a very safe distance away that he heard the cry of outrage from the indignant Hufflepuff.

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