The Exams and the Tea

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The Exams and the Tea

Sanguine didn't know what had come of the meeting between the other Princes - he'd gotten bored and wandered off halfway through. What had amused him was when Hircine rushed past, citing that he was late for his detention from the hippogriff incident 2.0. While he wanted the details on that, Sanguine knew he wasn't on good enough terms with the hunter for them. As a result, he naturally turned to Mephala for the juicy details of the Hogwarts rumour mill.

'It really wasn't that interesting,' the Prince of secrets informed him with a roll of her eyes. 'Hircine has an affinity for animals, although I think they're just scared of him. He set them loose on Namira's toad when she was inspecting the lesson on thestrals - Hermaeus knows how he managed it though.' With the intriguing story on his mind, he walked straight into Potter, precious Potter, who was running back from somewhere.

Sanguine could smell blood.

'Get out of the way,' he muttered, shoving past 'Sam'. The Daedra noted, amused, that without his little ginger friend, Vaermina's brother, he wasn't nearly as brave.

The next plot twist arrived when the Quidditch team hit a little hiccup, and by that Sanguine meant that half of the Gryffindor team were banned from playing thanks to an... altercation. Sanguine had no problems with this whatsoever - not because he was a 'true Slytherin', but because it was simply amusing, and when the Weasley twins decided to depart from the school, they left such a state of chaos that Sheogorath had wiped a tear from his eye. The exams were an utter disaster as a result, but he'd probably failed DADA anyway; he and Clavicus had stopped attending the little DA meetings, and just in time - they'd been having far too many close calls.

On an interesting note, Umbridge, whom Vaermina had taken to calling 'Umbitch', had tried to recruit him for some kind of Inquisition, and had spiked his tea. After lying straight through the potion, he dutifully informed the Golden Trio to avoid the tea during their interrogation.

They didn't trust him, but that had saved their hides.

Sanguine and the Order of the Phoenixजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें