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Around five in the morning, Michael opens up my cell door. He tells me that we're gonna have to get our uniforms and fill out a couple of papers. Lazily, I get up as I try to ignore the lump in my throat that's forming. I made a joke about it, and I came up with some sort of plan, but I was still scared as fuck.

Michael and I walk until we reach the front door when curiosity gets to me. "Where are Luke and Ashton?"

"They already went. Ash needs to make a phone call with Mitchell again anyway."

We both talk in terrified voices. We're scared, and we'd be lying if we said we weren't.

"We're going to leave this place, right Mike?"

"I don't know, Cal," he sighs. "I don't know anything anymore." He's thinking about something and it's stressing him out. I know Michael well enough to know his moods.

A worker here takes us from the door to the uniform room. This rooms seems all too familiar, and it seems as if I've been here before. I throw curious and confused glances around the room until Ashton snaps me out of it.

"You alright there, Cal?" I nod. He gives me a look, but nods as well.

I've been in this room before. I can feel it.

Oh shit, maybe I am insane. Maybe I was in here before. I run my hand through my hair that was getting messed up with the amount of gel in my hair without showering.

"Are there showers in this place?" I ask. The worker who's listening to Luke's sizes gives me a look.

"We're not insane and disgusting. Of course we have showers here," she spat, writing down Luke's pants size.

She takes all our sizes. She tells us to sit patiently, and about half an hour later, she comes back into the room with Ash and Luke's clothes. This woman was slow as fuck.

"I'm scared," Luke admits.

"We'll be out of here as soon as possible, okay? These uniforms won't last; they're wasting their time. We're not insane."

Ashton smiles reassuringly at all of us, trying to help us feel more comfortable. And if we were ever being honest about Ash, he really did help us. He was the fatherly figure of the band, but he helped us like a brother. We were all brothers.

The woman came back with Michael and I's clothes.

"There's a bathroom that Paula over there will take you too."

Paula, another worker here leads us all to the bathroom. It's one large bathroom, but we don't really care. We've all seen each other naked anyway. Or at least, everyone's seen me naked. But we weren't even undressing that far.

We change into our uniforms in silence. When we're all done, Ashton opens up the door, revealing Paula still standing there. Paula gives us a dirty look and leads us to another room.

The silence is crazy between us. We've never been so quiet; but when you're put into a mental hospital for a reason you don't even know of, it's a bit hard to act like your old happy self.

Once we make it into the room, it turns out to be a cafeteria. The patients are staring us down as Paula tells us to get our food and sit down at a table that only two girls sit in. One girl there, the dark haired one, seems hesitant about us sitting by them. Luke's hesitant too.

We all get our food, and we sit by the girls. I'm sitting by the hesitant, dark haired girl, but I keep my distance. Michael's sitting next to me, and Luke sits across from me, next to the girl with brown hair and light brown highlights. Ashton's next to him.

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