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LUKE HEMMINGS : His career started on YouTube where he posted covers of himself singing, soon added his friends into it, and became a band called 5 Seconds of Summer. Later on, after getting a drummer, their band became a bit more serious on their lives. He is the lead singer and plays guitar for the band. Years later, here they are, finishing up an EP they were going to release worldwide. Luke wasn't a talkative guy. He always stays to himself unless he's with family, friends, or 5SOS themselves. He looses his awkwardness when he's with his fans as well, but other than that, he doesn't let people in so easily. He has trouble making friends, but he doesn't let it take the best of him. Although, Luke is really bubbly and energetic once you get to know him well enough. After a week and a half of being locked into their small studio/home, 5SOS leave and head out to San Francisco. The last thing they expect was to be locked in an asylum for God knows what.

ROSE JACOBS : Rose Jacobs was put into San Francisco's asylum when she was accused of skinning two men in their sleep. Key word: accused. There's absolutely no proof that she was the one who done it; but apparently, there's enough proof for her to be a suspect. After five months, the case was closed and Rose was taken out of prison and put into the asylum. She's one of the few who weren't actually insane, and she understood more than the others. It was true that she was the wisest out of all the patients in SFA, but that didn't mean she knew everything. But with an attitude and determination like hers, she was bound to figure everything out herself. And when four idiots get themselves into San Francisco's asylum for an unknown reason that only one nut job knows of, she wants to figure out the entire truth behind it.

CALUM HOOD : The bassist of 5 Seconds of Summer, the band Luke is also in. Calum was an ordinary guy, just living his dream. His EP was going to be out in a month, and he wasn't any more excited. The thing about Calum, though, is he used to have these dreams. Scratch that, nightmares. He hadn't told anyone about them and it's been four years since he had one. He was 18, so the last dream he had was when he was only 14. He's forgotten them all and doesn't want to remember them anyway. Calum wasn't a secretive person; in fact, he was very open. But he didn't like these nightmares. And he wasn't planning on telling anyone at all about them. After a week and a half of being locked into their small studio/home, 5SOS leave and head out to San Francisco. And when they're locked in a goddamn asylum, the nightmares come flooding back.

MELISSA MONROE : Melissa was born in a rich family. She always got anything she'd ever want. She was naturally beautiful. She was also an odd child. She had these odd nightmares and soon enough, they took control over her. Melissa wasn't insane, she really wasn't. The dreams were haunting her, and they weren't simple nightmares. They turn into reality at night, once a month, but the significance of the days confuses her. Usually, on the night when these nightmares come into reality, her parents are out of town for business inquiries. But one night, they weren't. And they walk into Melissa's room to find her screaming her lungs out, looking terrified. It was happening; the nightmares she'd always have were coming to life. Her parents found her insane. Her parents were scared. Her parents did the best for her. Her parents put her into the asylum. Her parents were never forgiven by her.

MICHAEL CLIFFORD : He's the sunshine of the band. He also plays the main guitar for the band. Michael was the kind of person who wanted to make sure everyone was happy, even when he wasn't. He doesn't have the most perfect family, and it affects him, but at the end of the day, he's just so grateful for all that's happening with him and his best friends who are close enough to be called brothers. His mom is the only family he has, and he doesn't even see her enough, nor does he talk to her enough. He wants a family, but when you're 18, it's not that easy to just get a new family if that even makes sense. But for now, 5SOS and the 5SOS Fam were his family. And he was just fine with that. After being stuck in his studio/home for a week and a half, he and the boys decide to take a small little trip to San Francisco. Little did Michael know that he'd be locked into a local asylum.

LUANNA JACKSON : Luanna used to be such an ordinary girl. She'd order pizza every Friday from Domino's and have an individual movie night, watching either horror movies, Disney movies, or a mixture between the two of them. She had a great taste in music with artists contributing from rock, indie, and alternative. She grew up being lonely, and she's gotten used to it. Her mom was always on business trips, her dad left when she was seven, and she was an only child. One night though, when her mother comes back from a business trip but doesn't make any noise after her door shuts like she normally would, Luanna watches her mother get killed. She gets away before the killer can get her. She's put into a foster home, but she wakes up in the middle of the night, screaming, when the moment of her mother's dead body falling on the floor replays. The foster home officials decide to put her in an asylum.

ASHTON IRWIN : He's the eldest, therefore, for some odd reason, he's the 'father' of the band, 5 Seconds of Summer. He's overprotective of the band and the members in it, even when he was the last to be added to it. Although he had a fatherly figure, Ashton was the kind of person to giggle after almost everything he says. Even when it wasn't funny. "I'm sorry for you loss," and he'd still giggle. It's an odd habit, but everyone knows about it and no one gets offended. He tries to make everyone smile, even when he's down. He's a grateful person, and he appreciates everything that comes his way. He's the second sunshine of the band, after Michael. After a week and a half of the boys complaining on how they were bored, he agreed to all go to San Francisco. But when he and the boys get locked in an asylum, he does his best to make them all comfortable and get out as soon as possible. Even when he's scared himself.

ARDEN ADAMS : Arden was always depressed. Her mother had died from breast cancer when she was three, and she didn't even get to know her. Her father had been a real pain in the ass ever since, being an alcoholic who'd abuse Arden. Arden, being her sad self, still has never cut her skin. She found harming herself would be unnecessary when her father already did it to her. One Halloween night, Arden goes out with her only friend who wasn't even that close to her, and they come across a haunted house. Arden was dared by her so-called friend to go inside the house, not believing for a second that it was actually haunted. Little did they know; it was. Ever since that night, Arden has been seeing this little ghost girl everywhere. When her father wasn't drunk, but very frustrated and took it all out on Arden, she started screaming since she saw the little girl behind her father. Her father then got sick of her, and put her into the asylum for herself. Arden doesn't talk now. The only person she talks to is the little ghost girl. And that is, only sometimes.

a/n : so this is the charachter descriptions and what not. minus the boys of course, who's your favorite charachter so far? mine's either rose or arden. or luanna. or melissa. oh god this is so hard for me. i don't when this fanfic will start but i'll be working on it a lot because im v excited for it, like you don't even know

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