Dear parents

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Well first of all you do a lot of good stuff but now I'm going to talk about all the things you do wrong.

1. Today you said to my sister that she said that she had to do the dishes and then wash the sink. And then she said wait, that's too much and then they took the sink off and made me do the sink, counter top, and sweep the house so yeah. That's totally fair. And then when my sister's friends come over and talk about their chores my moms like, why don't u do chores like them? And I'm lik, "You say some families do different things when you say I can't go over to my friends houses or have sleep overs so why doesn't this rule apply to this right now?!" of course I don't say that because Im a good child. I could cuss at you right now but I keep my bad thoughts to myself.

2. Well we settled the sleepover thing. Some people you just don't trust and the truth is, I don't trust them either.

3. Who freaking cares who I text or which websites I join. Half the time you're pressuring me about school or collage. I need somewhere to escape to. And by the way ERIC AND I NEVER DATED.

4. I don't care if you don't like me or my friends. I just want you to know that I'm a totally different person at school and I don't want you to change that because that, not this, is the side of me that I lik. The side that I feel more comfortable with.

5. Do you know the reason I don't write in front of you?! Because I don't think you'll approve of me writing. You'll tell me that writing is only for incompetent fools and that I should go look for another job in the medical field. News to you-I model most of my mean parents after your bad qualities.

Well that's it. Other than the fact that I can HEAR you when you're in the next room, IM NOT FREAKING DEAF. so don't be saying how bad my grades are(lowest is a 95 in science)or how bad of a child I am. I could leave today if I wanted and never come back. But I won't because I'm a pacifist and lime to hold in my sadness and anger and let it go through writing and crying in my sleep. Yes I cry when I sleep. Betcha didn't know that.

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