The Matrix

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So earlier this week I watched a movie called the Matrix which apparently no one else in the world has seen. It's CRAZY!!! I love the Matrix! LOVE IT! And you don't know how hard it is to love something and not be able to talk to anyone else about it. IT'S REALLY HARD! So someone else out there NEEDS to watch the Matrix so I can talk to them about it. But while you're here I will summarize the three Matrix movies for you(btw the first one is the best!)

Movie #1-The Matrix-Neo is a normal guy, well not really. He's like a super hot computer hacker accountant guy. But then he gets taken in by these other guys and they put a bug in him and then Morpheous(idk spelling) takes him in and trains him to fight these machiney people. He explains that we all live in this thing called the Matrix which is basically a place where machines keep humans in little egg things so they can eat them, for energy. Now the machines are killing random little children for their energy source and the people that are left alive in the Matrix want to stop it. So Neo goes into the Matrix and kills this bad guy. Then his friend Trinity(BLECH) starts to like him. My fav part-When he stops the bullets...i was like WHOA!!! My least fav part-He got a hair cut when he went into the Matrix(dont worry his hair grows back in the second one)

Movie #2-Reloaded-They go to Zion. They fight some machines. Trinity(BLECH) goes into the matrix to save Neo, even tho Neo told her not to, shes just BLECH in that way. So she totally distracts Neo when the Architecht gives Neo two choices to save his little Trin Trin(BLECH) or to save the world. Obviously he goes and saves Trinity(BLECH) and the machines are coming to go kill the people. My fav part-Neo saves Trinity(BLECH). Not that I like the fact that he saved her, I think he could have done good without her but i think it was cool and scifi-y when they did that. My least fav part-When he saved Trinity(BLECH) why couldn't he just let her DIE???!

Movie #3-Revolution-They go back to Zion. The machines are coming. There's goof to be a war. Neo and Trinity(BLECH) go to machine city to make peace with the machines. The war starts. Trinity(BLECH) dies. Neo gives himself up for peace. The bad part is that the Architect is just going to make a new Matrix no matter what happens. My fav part-Trinity(BLECH) dies. Jk jk when Neo battles the bad guy(he's a mahine I call him Mr. Anderson cuz that's what he calls makes more sense if you watch the movie). My least fav part-The end. I didn't know what was going on:P

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