|Moment 2|

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It was almost a month after Dean got hurt on their hunt, that he was completely healed and ready for combat.

Like any other morning, Dean wandered into the kitchen, not giving a damn about how he looked for the moment. He stepped before the coffee machine, only wearing a pair of black boxers and a silk robe that revealed his upper body.

"Good morning, Dean." Sam chirped from behind his laptop, his mouth forming into a smirk when he saw his exhausted figure.

Dean gave a loud groan in answer, not in the mood or state of mind to deal with his happy ass.

His little brother laughed. "Grumpy."

His hands poured some black coffee in his cup, adding a dash of milk. Placing the carton of milk back on the counter, Dean turned around and walked to the table, joining his little brother for breakfast.

As he took a seat, he wondered whether Cas was still asleep in his room.

Speaking of the Devil, his friend strode into the kitchen not a moment later, making Dean wonder if someone had heard his thoughts.

Castiel looked more joyful and awake than grumpy old Dean, as he took a seat at the end of the table. "Good morning, Sam." Castiel smiled brightly at the hunter. "Slept well?"

Sam averted his eyes from the screen to his best friend with a goofy smile plastered on his face. He nodded his head. "Good morning to you, too and yes, i did."

Castiel's eyes moved to Dean, lighting up as he gazed upon him, and he smiled teasingly when he saw how grumpy his friend looked. "Good morning, Dean."

"Hmm." He replied with a huff, sipping on his coffee as he nibbled on a piece of toast.

"I can already assume that you haven't had a pleasant night." Castiel said, earning a quiet chuckle from the younger brother.

With his eyes, Dean shot daggers at Sam, not seeing the humor in his lack of sleep these past few weeks.

Not feeling the slightest amused, he focused his attention on Castiel. "No, i haven't, so i'm not really in the mood to talk."

"Great," Sam exclaimed as he clapped his hands together, receiving a murderous glare from his brother. "Then, you just have to listen to me talking about this new case i found in Alabama."

When neither of them interrupted him, Sam took this as sign to keep on talking about the case because he was sure that he had caught their attention.

Dean was, of course, much more interested in the case than Castiel since he was the one, who hasn't hunted in the past few weeks, (Castiel made Dean stay home on previous hunts so he could fully recover).

"Several teenage girls have been disappearing over the past few months in a small town named, Leitsed. The victims have nothing in common whatsoever, besides the fact that every body turned up in the same place." Sam explained as he read the information off his notebook.

"So," Dean cocked his eyebrow up as he took a sip of his coffee. "They could have been killed by some freak, who has a fetish for killing teenage girls. There is nothing unnatural about their cases, Sammy."

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