Andy looked at her "You still look tired,"

"Thanks Andy," Skye rolled her eyes she was about to leave when Andy pulled her towards him and hugged her. Blair had gone again, Kat said amused "Blair's gone Skye,"

"Cheers Kitty Kat," Skye winked using Kat's pet name, she then kissed Andy and out of respect I looked away, mainly cause I had a feeling it was rather deep...and involved tongue. Skye snickered "I'll see you later guys,"

I smirked as Andy was still tracking her every movement, she'd left and then she stuck her head back in, "Rye? Do you need any more tea?"

Rye shook his head "I don't think so Skye,"

"Hmm I'll check," Skye frowned and went into the kitchen, she yelled "You've got half a packet left."

Rye replied "Get another packet please."

"Ok," she replied and then she was gone.

Mikey laughed "You know she's gone Andy, start packing."

"Andy." Brook laughed, Andy glared at them both but did start packing.

Rye sighed "C'mon Liv, I better start packing too."

"Don't you girls need to pack?" Brook asked.

Maddie laughed "Us three haven't even unpacked yet, and Skye doesn't care what clothes she brings, as long as she has reading material."

"I'm already packed," I smiled.

Rye chuckled "So really its down to Skye,"

"Yup." Kat smiled.

Skye POV

I'd got Jack's laptop, some tea bags and some other stuff for snacks, like sandwiches and such. Mainly for Blair and the boys, since there was food back at the flat that needs using up. Getting out of the car, I grabbed the stuff and locked the car, holding my car keys between my teeth I went up to the flat.

Maddie laughed "You look like a mum."

"Who?" Liv asked and she laughed seeing me "Skye, you really do, you even look done with us two, are we the kids?"

Shooting them a look I went into the kitchen and put the bags down, pocketing my keys in my jean pocket I began unpacking. Jack came through "Did you get my laptop?"

"Yeah its there," I nodded at it, Jack smiled "Thanks Skye,"

I chuckled as I put some stuff in the fridge "No problem,"

Meg came through "You actually are a mum right now, buying snacks for the journey."

"Hey," I protested, "I don't want Blair to get fed up of the boys complaining they're hungry."

Kat appeared and smirked "So mum whats for lunch?"

"Nothing," I scoff, "cause I'm not cooking for everyone."

Maddie yelled "Please cook for us Skye,"

"I'll cook with you," Liv offered, sighing I said "Fiiiiine but what are we cooking?"

"Pasta," Liv smiled.

Huffing I pulled out peppers "Good job I brought these."

"Its like you knew we'd be cooking pasta," Liv laughed.

Winking I said "What can I say, motherly instincts and all."

Liv snickered "Yeah Skye sure. Right the lot of you out, get packing, and girls make sure they're packing."

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