Chapter 9

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We were sat in the kitchen, watching as the girls organised the kids, Liv yelled "Skye pass me the pasta sauce,"

"I'm nowhere near the fridge, Brook get the pasta sauce from the fridge," Skye drawled as she continued beating eggs, it seems Skye is actually a good baker when she bothers and Liv is a good cook when she bothers.

Leo whined "I want to decorate the cupcakes, Auntie Skye,"

"Leo they're in the oven still," Skye laughed, "why don't you and your sister set the table since the pasta will be done soon."

Straight away they did it. Liv smiled brushing some hair from her face "Is it weird I missed this?"

"Hardly, this is what we spent 6 months doing," Skye grinned, "besides it meant Jace and Evie could focus on themselves,"

Speaking of which Jace came down and smiled "I hope you boys don't mind but me and Evie probably won't be eating with you often, we need to sort some things out."

"Its not problem," Brook smiled, "thanks for having us."

Evie appeared "Brook we should be thanking you, Skye and Liv are life savers and we're sorry if you didn't expect to be looking after kids."

"Mom?" Millie said as she came through, "can I show Skye my drawing?"

"After you've eaten, I'll get it out of your room," Evie smiled.

Liv dished out their pasta "There we go, now shoo, we got this."

"I feel guilty," Evie sighed.

Skye pointed a fork at her "Don't even start otherwise I'll through flour on you,"

"That would be very immature," Evie chuckled.

Skye stuck her tongue out "But you love me anyway,"

"I do," Evie smiled as she and Jace went off upstairs.

Liv served up the rest of the pasta, we all sat down, me next to Liv, Skye was eating her pasta whilst trying not to let the cupcakes burn. Liv checked her phone "Skye, go now. No one likes burned cupcakes,"

Skye shot her a withering look "If you put enough icing on, you can't tell the difference."

But she went through and took them out, setting them on a cooling rack. Since the kitchen and dining room was open plan we could see what she was doing and vice versa. Leo asked "Auntie Skye, is it ok for one of my friends to come over tomorrow?"

"Did your mom and dad say it was?" Skye asked coming back through to finish her food. She was sat next to Andy opposite the kids, Liv leaned over to me "Can you imagine those two but instead of it being someone else's kids, its theirs?"

I chuckled "Yeah I can actually,"

Millie said "Mom and dad don't mind as long as you and Liv are ok with it,"

"In that case," Liv chuckled as she put the plates through and into the dishwasher, "you can both have a friend round tomorrow."

Millie frowned "I don't really have friends as such, all the kids are mean to me."

"Don't worry Millie," Leo smiled, "you can play with me and Kieran,"

The happiness on Millie's face melted my heart at how close they were, Skye smiled at them both "Now do you two want to play outside, and then you can decorate the cupcakes in an hour,"

"Ok," they said and scampered off outside.

Liv smiled "Kinda makes me want kids,"

"Sure Liv," Skye snickered, "as long as Rye's the dad I have no problems."

BK1 ~ Ours (RoadTripTV fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon