Chapter 29

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Skye POV

Its 3am and I'm wide awake, I just can't seem to sleep, glancing over at Liv and Kat as they slept I got up and snuck into Meg and Maddie's room, shockingly they were both awake as well. Maddie smiled at me "Can't sleep?"

"No," I replied shutting the door too, "Andy's got Astra as well..."

"Did what Liv say rattle you?" Meg asked.

I looked at her and remembered how she'd said I was flirting, stars in my eyes and ok for like a minute I thought about dating him. And then I remembered I have Andy and no other guy would ever compare to him...shrugging I said "A bit. I mean I love him Meg, I've loved him since a few months after meeting him but its only now that the boys know more about my family..."

"They're not going to leave you Skye," Meg smiled, "besides we got your back."

Maddie smiled "I feel like a proud mum watching you two."

"Thanks Mads," I laughed as we group hugged.

Andy POV

"C'mon get up," Rye yelled coming in.

Brook groaned "Whyyyy?"

"C'mon get up babe," Maddie yelled breezing in, Meg following, and then we were only missing Mikey and Skye.

I looked at Kat "Where's my girl and your guy?"

"He was up early, and so was she, they went out to get food and drinks. I think they were also doing some editing in a café." she replied.

Groaning I brought the duvet over my head, I just really wanted to see her face or at least hear her voice, you know? Liv laughed "Do you want me to ring Skye for you?"

"No cause then I'm being clingy." I whined.

The door opened and what do you know, Mikey and Skye come in, Mikey laughs "You owe me an hour of your help now."

"Dammit," Skye sighed looking at me, "you just have to be in bed still don't you?"

I rolled my eyes, running a hand through my hair "I'm tired."

"Lucky for some," she smiled, it was then I noticed the bags under her eyes and Mikey only looked slightly better. He side hugged her "It'll get easier Skye,"

"So you've been saying for the past 3 hours," she sighed.

Rye turned her to face him "Skye...go to sleep."

"I can't get to sleep," she replied, "my minds wide awake and not sleeping."

Meg smiled "She came in at 3am, Mads and I were up still and she stayed with us till we both fell asleep."

"Half 4," Skye murmured "then I sat in Mikey and Rye's room editing,"

Mikey nodded "Scared me to death when I got up at 6am."

"The one time your actually up early," Skye laughed, "your face was priceless and the fact Rye slept through it was even funnier."

Rye shook his head "Cruel girl."

"Sorry but I have to agree," Mikey laughed, "it was funny."

Liv coughed "Are you buying your boyfriend time in his bed?"

"Maybe," Skye winked at me, "but it worked, he's had an extra 10 minutes."

I chuckled "Thanks babe."

"Anytime," she laughed as Maddie shoved her "So unfair,"

"Hey," Skye laughed, "not my fault you'd all forgotten you were trying to get him up."

BK1 ~ Ours (RoadTripTV fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin