Part 26

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A/N~ This fan art of Marcel is so gosh darn cute! Anyways, back to the story!

  It's currently 5:30. I decided to walk to the school so that I could have some time to myself.
  "Hey (Y/N)!" Of course I was wrong. I turned around to see Basically, Wildcat, Brian, and Moo. I let out a sigh as I slightly waved to them.
  "What's you're problem?" Wildcat asked in a harsh tone.
  "You, lately," I replied, earning some giggles from the other three boys.
  "Well aren't you sassy today," Basically stated.
  "Well I mean me and some of my friends were beaten up by some jerks, and now we have to go into haunted houses with them." We walked the rest of the way to the school in silence, other than Brian and Brock talking quietly to each other that is. When we arrived everyone else were already there.
  "Alright kids!" Mr. Goodman exclaimed. "Let's get this started! Please stand next to your partner." Basically and I awkwardly stood next to each other. "Alright, please follow me and stay with your partner." We followed Mr. Goodman inside and to the flight of stairs. "So, who wants to go first?"
"Let's just get this over with," Wildcat grumbled, dragging Jon behind him.
"Okay, the entire second floor is one haunted house," Mr. Goodman explained. "Go right ahead you two." Wildcat and Jon soon disappeared up the stairs. I started to get nervous. I hate haunted houses. I'm terrible when it comes to scary stuff. Nogla and Lui went in next followed by Brock and Brian, and Craig and Vanoss after them. It was finally time for Basically and me to go in and I was terrified. We walked up the stairs and through a black curtain. The hallway looked like a legitimate haunted house. These clubs really did a good job.
  "L-let's hurry up and finish this," Basically said, obviously not wanting to be here either.
  "Umm Basically," I said quietly, hoping I gained his attention.
  "Could I, umm, hold your hand? I really hate stuff like this."
  "O-oh, umm, yeah," he replied, a small bit of pink dusted his cheeks as I held onto his hand tightly.
  We were doing pretty good and we're almost done. We had only gotten legitimately scared a couple times.
  Suddenly a girl, dressed like the little girl from the Ring, popped out of nowhere and screamed at us. We both screamed like little girls as I hugged his arm and he hugged me out of instinct. We quickly ran through the rest of the house, hand in hand. We finally got out of there and I felt as if a weight was lifted off my shoulders.
  "Umm guys?" Brock questioned, gaining the attention of both me and Basically. We then quickly realized what Moo was talking about. We looked at our intertwined hands before looking at each other, our faces both bright red. We quickly let go of each other's hand and briskly walked away from each other.
  "What was that about?" Craig questioned with a smirk, as I approached him, Jon, Brock, and Lui.
  "It was nothing," I answered, still visibly blushing. "I was scared, so Basically let me hold his hand so that I could have some form of comfort."
  "Sure," Jon said nudging me playfully. "That's why you're blushing so hard."
  "Shut up Jon!" I exclaimed, lightly punching him.
  "I'm just stating that facts," he chuckled, raising his hands in surrender.
  "I hate you so much," I giggled.
  "Yeah, yeah whatever. You know you love me!" He exclaimed, putting me in a headlock.
  "No!" I whined. "Craig, Lui, Brock! Help me!" I tried to get out of Jon's grasp as the other three just laughed. Thankfully someone grabbed out of Jon's grasp.
  "Room for one more?" The voice of whoever was still holding me above the ground asked. I looked up to see Basically smiling down at me.
  "Of course," I replied with a smile. "That is if you put me down though."
  "Oh right, sorry (Y/N)."
  "It's fine Basically."
  "It's actually Marcel," he said rubbing the back of his neck. "My real name is Marcel."
  "Well then Marcel, welcome to our friend group," I said with a smile.

A/N~ What's up guys! Here's the first haunted house experience. I hope it was fluffy enough for everyone! I know it's pretty short, but I really want to do each house as a separate chapter, so that's what I'm gonna do! Thank you so much for reading! I may even had the next chapter done tomorrow, so be ready for that! Thanks again for all the support! See you all in the next chapter!

Love ya~

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