(A/N)~ Q&A Pt.2!

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AC- Alright everyone! Time for part two of the Q&A! The first question is for Luke!

L- Awesome!

AC- tarshish123 asks, "Why aren't you doing anything?"

L- I mean if Author~Chan here would give me a bigger part I'd be doing a lot more.

AC- Okay, I'm getting there man! There are too many characters in this gosh darn story! I mean Tony hasn't gotten to be around since (Y/N) was first being bullied!

T- Umm... yeah I'm pretty upset I haven't been involved in anything that's been happening...

AC- I know Tony, I'm sorry about that. You'll be in a future chapter soon I promise! Now onto the next question! This one is from Shadow_Realm_, and their question is for Vanoss!

V- Oh great I wonder how they're gonna insult me this time...

AC- They ask, "Okay,why do you hate (Y/N)? Don't say she is worthless, weak, ugly, or anything like that, give a real reason, okay. Why?"

V- Well you see the truth is that I-


V- Well then... Next question I guess...

AC- Oh this next question is for Scotty!

Sc- Yeah boi!

AC- Smileytrash asks, "407? Why not 420?"

Sc- I wasn't as dank back then.

AC- Alrighty! This next question is for Dan. kawaiipotato006 asks, "Phan?"

D- Phanon ain't canon here.

AC- Okay! This next question is for Ohm. tarshish123 they ask, "What happened to you?"

O- I don't know... I was upset and wasn't thinking straight...

AC- Another question for Ohm. Scalar_11434 asks, "Why did you lose hope on (Y/N) so fast?"

O- I have trust issues, I guess you could say. I mean it wouldn't be the first time someone used me and threw me away when they got bored of me.

AC- The next question is for Vanoss.

V- If it has anything to do with me being an a**hole I'm not answering it!

AC- It doesn't. HOPE05kelly asks, "What do you think of the female main character?"

V- I don't know. She's nice I guess.

AC- This next one is for Delirious. HOPE05kelly asks, "Would you take the chance to date or even kiss the reader?"

D- *shrugs* I don't see why not.

AC- Funny story. Before I wrote the last chapter I actually thought about having Delirious kiss (Y/N), but as I continued writing I realized Delirious already had quite a few cute moments with her and that it was time for another guy to have the spotlight. After all, this isn't just a Delirious X Reader.

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