The box

201 14 2

How are you going to prove it to her??

Link scanned the apartment..

The box give her the box...

Link walked over the box and brought it to Zelda..

"Open it.." Link said.

Zelda started "Really Link you expect me to forgive you over som-" she stopped and looked at the jewel on her crown.

What's happening...?

Zelda dropped the crown and knelt down with her hands on her face "Where am I?"

"You're in my apartment.. in the modern world.."

"What? The last thing I remember was you rescuing me.."

"I didn't rescue you your highness," Link started as he helped her up "I couldn't even get you past the gate.."

"How long have I been trapped here?"

"Long enough your highness.."


Link knelt down "yes your highness,"

"I've missed you.." Zelda said.

"I've missed you too Zel.." Link laughed.

"But there's one more thing.."

"What is it princess??"

"Where is he?"

"Where is who...?"

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