First day

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"It's time already? Ugh just five more minutes..." Link said pounding the alarm clock.


"Alright I'm up," Link unplugged the clock.

Link walked into his bathroom and showered and brushed his teeth. When he got out, he changed into a green flannel, some white jeans, and some Kokiri brown shoes.

"I look somewhat like myself.." Link said.

Link put on his backpack and he got his phone and keys and went out the door to school.

Link walked into the school and went to the front office.

"I'm here for a schedule..." Link said gentleman like.

"Your name?" An office lady asked.


The lady sat down at her computer and printed his schedule out and handed it to him all nice and warm.

"Thanks," Link said walking out.

Link walked into a busy hallway and saw a variety of doors and lockers.

He looked at his schedule and he looked at all of the room numbers.

"A311 found it..." Link said to himself.

Link walked into the classroom (which had a class in progress) and sighed.

"Looks like we have a new student.." the teacher said looking at his roster "ahh Link..."

Link nodded.

"Alrighty then... there's an empty seat next to Zelda.." the teacher pointed "alright then resume whatever you were doing..."

Link didn't hesitate to sit down. He was one to follow orders (even though it wasn't one). He took out a pen and held it in between his pointer and middle finger. He turned his head and saw Zelda scribbling something. Link put the pen down and leaned his head on his palm and stared at Zelda.

Zelda put her head up and caught Link staring; he immediately looked away.

"Hey.." Zelda said.

Link awkwardly waved at her knowing that he was totally capable of communicating with other teenagers.

Nice going Doofus now she's going to think you're weird...

Link stayed silent.

"You're kind of shy.." Zelda said.

Link half smiled and scratched the back of his head.

She's kind of cute and pretty...

"Hi.." Link awkwardly pushed out.

Again with the awkwardness...

Zelda giggled "I'm Zelda..."

Link took a deep breath before speaking "My name is Link,"

"Link... I like that,"

"Me too..." Link awkwardly said "I mean it's my name and stuff.."

You made it worse..

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