A new task

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Link knelt down in front of the leader of the elites (as known as king Richard) and waited for orders.

"Link you've managed to impress me throughout the years of your service," king Richard said.

"Thank you sir..." Link replied.

"You've done more missions than any elite in both dimensions and you've succeeded in all of them..I think you are ready to become the hero of time.."

"Really sir I mean thank..."

"But there's one more task that only you can execute.."

"What's that?"

"Protect and save my daughter and defeat Ganondorf.."

"I thought your daughter was murdered.."

"I thought so too, but I've gotten word that she was banished.."

"With all due respect your highness.. why are you assigning me this task?"

"Because you're only elite close to her age at the moment... Link, you're about to face the greatest challenge yet....high school,"

Link raised an eyebrow.

"An apartment in my daughters neighborhood will be rented for you. You'll have a car, a cellphone, and you'll go to school with my daughter..."

Link nodded as the king threw a blue object to him. He examined it and was shocked.

"An ocarina?" Link asked.

"Not just any ocarina.. the Ocarina of Time," King Richard replied.

"Ocarina of...? I thought this was just a myth..why would I need this..."

"When Ganondorf is defeated have her play the ocarina and bring my beloved Zelda back to me... are you up to the challenge?"

"When do I start?"

"Atta boy.. you must start immediately I'm counting on you Link.."

"I won't disappoint you..."

"One more thing Link.."

"Yes your highness?"


The king tossed a box to Link..

"What's this?" Link said almost opening it.

"Ah ah ah not for you.. give this to my daughter when the time is right.. keep it safe and hidden.."

"Yes your highness.."

"Be careful Link..."

The elites of Hyrule Where stories live. Discover now