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"Eve, if you're no comfortable with them, we can work something out with them." "Maybe we talk to them?" "That sounds good Evie. great idea. Now, where did they go?" "I saw them go around the corner." 

Evie and Ben rounded the corner, only to see a sight, they thought was terrible. Mal was shoved up against the wall, her arms wrapped around Jay's head. Jay had one arm against the wall, the other around Mal's waist. They were kissing heavily, and Evie broke down into tears.

She still loved Jay, even if they weren't dating anymore. Ben felt the same way towards Mal. They watched as this happened for another 20 minutes, before a bell rang. Mal groaned as Jay pulled away from the wall. 

"School. Great." Jay groaned after she said that, but quickly regained his smile. "See ya tonight?" Mal giggled. "Of course. Wouldn't miss it for the world." Jay kissed Mal's cheek, and ran off to class. Mal sighed in pleasure, and absent mindily walked into Ben.

"Oh! Sorry Ben! Hi Evie! What's wrong?" "You and Jay! That's what!" "On the Isle you said we were you're OTP!" "I regret that now!" "Why? I love Jay! I always have! We've been apart long enough, I've missed him so much, you're not taking him away from me!" Mal screamed at Evie and Ben, and walked away to class. 

"Ben, that didn't go so well." "Don't worry Eve. I'll arange a meeting today, in my office. They'll come. They'll think they're in trouble, and we'll just talk. Does that sound okay?" "Yes. Thanks Ben." They walked in silence to their first class, which just so happened to be with Mal. 

Mal was sitting as far away from them as possible. Jay wasn't in this class, but he was in every other class with them. When they went to their second class, Ben told the teacher he had some King buisness to do for the wedding, and Evie was helping. 

Over the intercom, Ben called Jay and Mal down his office. 5 minutes later, there was a knock on his door. He opened it, and Mal and Jay walked in. "What is it Ben? Why are we here?" Mal asked. 

"Evie and I want to admit something." "Go ahead. Whenever you're ready." Jay said sitting down next to Mal. Evie stood up, and went over to Jay. "Jay, no matter what, I still love you. Ben feels the same way towards Mal. We love you guys, and we want to get back together with you guys." 

Jay and Mal looked at each other, having a silent conversation. Evie learned that they had developed powers to speak to each other like this. After a long period of time, Mal sighed, and leaned against Jay. 

Jay rested his head on top of Mal's. "Well?" Ben asked gently. Jay and Mal shook their heads. "No." Evie was crushed. So was Ben. "What do you mean no?" Ben and Evie asked at the same time. 

"We mean NO. We have been separated for almost a year, and it's amazing to feel what we had going on the Isle. I haven't felt this happy in months. I finally know who I want to be with, Jay."Mal said standing up. "I say the same about Mal too." Jay said. 

"Why?" Ben asked, tears now in his eyes, as well as Evie's. "Ben, you don't understand our love together. Jay and I are, like, well, you could say, we are the power couple. Ben, Jay and I have been through so much together, betraying him, would be like killing myself. I love Jay, and he loves me. You can't stop true love." Mal said to Ben.

"Why are you still here then? You broke our hearts." Ben said. "If I remember correctly, you two started by dropping that big bomb about dating behind our backs since the cotillion." Jay said. "But, you two, you guys are like-" 

"Ben, forget it. Leave us alone. If you can't get used to it, just stay away. We have love, that's not going to break again."

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