Mal's pain

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The next morning, Mal woke up, feeling a flare of pain in her gut. Mal brushed it aside, like she did on the Isle. She got changed, and walked down the hall to Ben's room. Ben came out the door, and they walked down to class. As Mal sat down, she felt the flare of pain again. She pushed it aside telling herself it would go away in a couple of hours, like it always did.

 But 4 hours later in her class with Jay,Carlos, and Evie, the pain wasn't going away and coming back in short bursts. It was stuck in her gut, and for just a minute, her face scrunched up in pain. Carlos looked over and said, "Mal, is everything okay?" "I'm fine!" She hissed, and glared at him. Carlos looked away, and they got back to class.

 This went on for 5 days, until Mal didn't show up in class. The pain was too much for her, and she was curled up on her bed, moaning in pain, her hands on her stomach, where the pain had spread to.

 Mal's friends were worried. The teacher let them go find her. Evie went to Ben's office to look, Carlos to his room, and Jay to Mal's room. Mal was crying in pain, by the time Jay got to Mal's room and opened the door. He was frozen with shock. Evie came in, and she gasped. They ran to her, and Evie gently touched Mal's stomach, to see how much it hurt her. Mal screamed like she was being burned alive. 

Evie jerked her hand back, and looked up at Jay.Carlos came in, and Evie stayed next to Mal, while the two boys ran to get Belle, Beast, Ben, and Fairy Godmother. Once they gathered them all, they ran back to Mal's room. Mal was shaking now. The 3 best friends of Mal were worried. mal never cried, or admitted she was in pain. 

Fairy Godmother touched Mal's stomach very gently, and Mal screamed again. She said shakily, "Make it stop. Please make the pain stop." Jay kneeled down next to Mal, and took one of her hands. Mal looked at Jay and squeezed his hand. The ambulance came, and Ben went with. The rest of them, except Fairy Godmother, who had to stay behind to moniter the school, went to the hospital. They sat down in the waiting room, with Ben, for 3 hours. Evie was crying on Ben's shoulder the whole time. Finally a doctor came out to them. "Mal is lucky to be alive." He said. 

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