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Warnings: Swearing, notions of blood and murder

Light drips echoed through the room. A soft dim light was focused on a heaving, curled form. It could have been serene, it should have been...

What ruined the image was the blood that dripped from the curled forms brown hair. Heels clicked against the cool cement floor, coming to stop in front of the form. A stained knife glinted from the dim light and red hair played a mockery of the color that ruined the form and knife.

"Annie... oh Annie. Are you okay? Would you tell me you're okay?"

'Annie' whimpered at the sound of the woman's sickly sweet voice. It was like honey, smooth and soft, a play on sweet. The woman was anything but sweet.

"Stay away, p-please. I-I'm sorry. It was a joke. It was a-a-all a joke. P-please. Audrey..." she was interrupted by sharp nails that bit into her shoulder. She was thrown away from the wall she'd been pressed against, to the middle of the floor. A screech left her when she landed on the shoulder that had been stabbed.

A high laugh, "Then you ran in the bedroom, it was your doom." She was singing, the sick bitch was singing. And not any song, it was Smooth Criminal. And it fit, they were surrounded by her bed, her happy memories, her happy place. And she was about to be killed in it.

The knife glinted once more before it was buried to the hilt in Annie's back. A scream and the red haired woman lowered to her knees beside the gasping girl. She moved the drenched brown bangs out of Annie's face, petting it softly while tilting her head to the side. Gold eyes glinted.

It was the last Annie saw before the knife was ripped out and embedded in her forehead.

"You've been hit by, you've been struck by, a smooth criminal."

Words: (360)

A/N: Sorry guys, I know it was short but it's mainly just an introductory chapter. I hope you enjoyed and if you can, please leave some feedback. I'll make sure to make the next chapter longer. Whats your favorite scary movie?

If Looks Could Kill *Billy Loomis/OC/Stu Macher*Where stories live. Discover now