"Do you have any more information?" 

"No, that was all I could find out,"

He looked like he was thinking in his head and was looking at me with worry.

"Maybe sending you alone on missions isn't a good idea anymore," He said. "From now on, if you're to go on a mission, another jounin will be assigned with you. I can't risk you getting hurt like that again,"

I nodded. 

"Now go get that wound checked. You're dismissed," He said.

"Wait a minute," 

"What is it?"

"I'm going to change my last name," 

I could tell his took him by surprise.

"May I ask why?" He asked.

"I've been thinking about this for a while now. If Naruto finds out that my last name is Uzumaki, he's going to put two and two together," I replied. "It's for the best. Plus, since those Stone ninjas are still targeting me, it's also a good idea so they won't attempt to get to him,"

"You have a point," He answers and stood up. 

He walked over to the filing cabinet and pulled a file out. I assumed it was mine.

He opened it and grabbed a pen. 

"What last name did you have in mind?"


He looked up, quirking an eyebrow at me.


"Yes, it'll only be temporary until he finds out,"

He wrote in my file.

I was now going to be known as Hana Namikaze. It'll be weird introducing myself as a Namikaze, instead of Uzumaki. I preferred that over my father's last name. It felt right since Minato and Kushina were the only parental figures I had after my parents died. 

"I'll alert the others about your new last name," He said. "Now go get that wound checked.

"Yes sir," I said and left his office.

I walked to the Leaf Village's hospital and checked myself in. The nurse told me I had to do paperwork since I have a new last name now, which was pretty irritating. I hated paperwork.

Once I was done, the nurse came back to treat my wounds and told me to be careful and to leave the bandage on until the wound has closed. 

I started walking home and I saw Kakashi walking up to me. He was reading the Makeout series while walking, of course. I think he likes it way more than I do.

"How was your mission?" He asked when he caught up with me.

"I jinxed myself," I started. "Those Stone ninjas showed up, but I didn't get too hurt. I already got my wound checked,"

He closed the book and I could tell he was concerned now. "Really? I had a bad feeling about you going by yourself,"

"The Hokage said he was going to start assigning other jounin on missions with me, at least until it's over," I replied. 

"Well, I'm glad he's doing that. Did you find out anything more about them?"

"There's three left. That's all I could find out,"

"We need to try and find a way to figure out who they are, so we can get to them first," Kakashi said. "But the question is, how would we do that?"

"It would be nice if there was a way for us to do that. I'm tired of having to live in fear because of them," I sighed. "Besides all that, I also changed my last name,"

Kakashi rose an eyebrow.

"It's temporary. I figured it's best if Naruto doesn't know I'm an Uzumaki for now, so I had it changed to Namikaze,"

Kakashi looked surprised but didn't ask any questions about it. "So, I'm assuming you want to know how the training went?"

"Yes, tell me everything," I replied.

"Well, turns out I do need that luck. Naruto is almost exactly how you were. He even got himself tied to the training post," Kakashi chuckled.

"Oh god," I laughed. "Don't tell me he tried to confront you first thing too,"

"He did," Kakashi said. "It was like dealing with the male version of you back then,"

Kakashi walked me home and told me everything about the training exercise. He also told me how they failed at first, but came through in the end. Which was good to know. Kakashi also told me about how Naruto got himself tied to the training post.

We made it to my house and I was glad to have finally made it home after this long day.

"Goodnight Kakashi."

"Goodnight Hana."

He turned around to leave and when I got inside, I immediately face planted onto my bed. 


I've got a drawing of how Hana looks for this story coming soon. Once the person is done with it, I will post it in a chapter so you guys can see it. 

To Heal a Broken Heart (Sequel to Torn Between Two)Where stories live. Discover now