"Why can't you press charges?", his friend asked, flipping through some papers as they talked.

"It was my own fault for not making sure she's cuffed down properly, apparently. And she's a minor. We can't keep her here for longer than a week anyways", he mumbled in annoyance.

I smiled in relief. It was a week max, that's all I needed to hear. I'd spent most of the time since the arrest worrying about how I would get out of here. The amount of 'what if-' situations I'd come up with was insane. By the end of it, I'd come to the conclusion that I was going to be sent to prison for around 50 years before they gave me the electric chair.

I might be good at hiding things visibly, but clearly, I'd been having an internal panic attack.

I didn't know if Grandpa was okay, I didn't know if Caesar was okay, I was arrested for the first time in my life and I was going to spend time in prison now too.

On the plus side though, around an hour ago I realised I was physically stronger than I was the day before.

Even a prison break didn't seem like a bad idea right now.

Everything was changing so fast all of a sudden, and mentally I was struggling to keep up.

A hand on my shoulder made me jump. I sniffled, turning to face the person. I furrowed my eyebrows when I realised I was staring at a chest. I craned my head to see his face. The man chuckled, shaking his head.

"It's fine, I get it a lot. I'm tall, even for a black man. Come on kid, let's get you sorted", he said with a friendly smile.

I half-smiled back, seeing this man was being genuine. I could tell by the aura this man held that he was high authority.

"Ivy is it? How ya feeling?", he asked, leading me into his office. He gestured for me to sit down on a chair in front of his desk as he sat down on the opposite side.

I nodded in reply. "Tired, sir."

My voice croaked, sore from the events that took place earlier today. The officer frowned, standing up from his seat and walking over to me. He grabbed my wrists and took the cuffs off. I held them in my hands immediately, rubbing the sore areas.

"You can call me Foster. No need to be so formal with me. Drink?", he asked even though he was already pouring me one. I nodded, thanking him for the water.

"I gotta give it to ya, kid. You got a strong set of guts with a helluva spirit to go with it", he confessed, looking at me in almost admiration..

"I had no choice. My family was being attacked, I was just defending them", I muttered, my eyebrows furrowed. Foster looked at me as he sat in his chair across the desk, studying me for any lies or deception behind my words.

"Is the ape family too?", he questioned.

"He's my brother", I replied.

"Your grandpa, he's sick?", he asked. I took a shaky breath.

"Alzheimer's", I replied. His expression changed immediately, his eyes holding sympathy and understanding. 

"Why did you decide to defend your Grandpa like that, Ivy?", he asked, now curious.

"I was scared and I panicked. My Dad was at work and I was left to take care of my Grandpa and Caesar. I'm not good at many things, sir, but I know I'm good at fighting. So I fought the best I could to defend my Grandpa when I didn't know what else to do", I told him without a single lie.

Ivy ( rise of the planet of the apes )Where stories live. Discover now