Chapter 8

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I quickly snap my head back away from him, right before his lips touch mine, He looks down walking backwards. away from me, "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING" the males vioce boomed. walking up to Blaze and pushing him down. The man had a buz cut, with black pricks comeing out of his head. I hear blaze hit the floor with a dud. The man was Bigger built, broad shoulders and was thick for his age, he looked to be about 30, but definatly reaked of alcahol. I didnt know who this might be but i wasnt about to let him hurt blaze. i walk up to him and tap his shoulder. "excuse me sir.." i say in a quiet shy voice, as he turned around. "WHAT!" he snaped. "can i tell you --" i cut off with a quick lift of muy knee right into his no-no square sending him into a double over, as i grabed blaze's hand and screamed "com'n he's down!" as we zoom out of his house and run off not knowing where we are going exacly, we were travling through the thick forest, lost in the branches and leaves. Forming fresh scraches across both of our arms, still holding eachother's hand we run faster. into the unknowns relms of the forest.

eventually we feel we got far enough away from the man and we let go of eachohter, colapsing on the ground holding my side's becuase my rib's were burning. i'm laying down on the ground clutching my stomach, tears rolling down my cheek from the intesity of the run. though we never did get our kiss. It still felt nice to be near him. "who was that guy?" i choked out the wros solemly

after a long pause i heard his soft voice "that was my Step Father." he said.  abviously not wanting to finish his explaination

"I'm sorry" i said quietly standing up and walking over to where he stood leaning agains a tree, his blonde hair hanginging in his face. i slowly push it back.

i saw tears streaming down his face.

"whats wrong" i heard the words escape my mouth befor i could stop them.

"My father abused me.. he used to tell me how useless i was.. how much he hated me.. he would--" he cut himself off in midscentance, tears streaming down his face uncontroalably. "im sorry" he cracked out. holding his hands to catch his tears.

i moved closer hugging him close, im not sure what im doing but it happens before i can stop it,

the rush fills me with electricity as he wraps his arms around me his head on my shoulder as his tears excape.

"everything will be okay" i sigh out before moving my head to face him in the eyes and place my lips tenderly apon his before he can protest.

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