Chapter 4

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We ran for what seemed like forever. I thought it would never end.  Holding his hand i almost felt safe for the first time in almost a year. Lately Nick has been acting wierd but i jsut cant let him go. I love Nick, He's amazing. He was alwasy there for me adn he tried to understnad but he just didnt sometimes. I guess i dont know how i feel about my complicated relationship with him right now. I guess If he loved me like he says he does he'll wiat for me to come back. if he doesnt.. i guess.. it wasnt ment to be.

We finally arived at Blaze' house and he slid his card through the michine and then i heard a low beep and a green light shined and a click came from the door. "com'n" Blaze spoke as he opend the door and gestured me inside. "I live on the third floor. we can take the elevator then ill show you  wehre you will be sleeping." Blaze talked fast as we walked. We made our way up the elevator and too his room.  As we walked in i took in the senery.

Flowers were everywhere, mainly red roses in black vases, the room filled with the beutiful scent. Teh curtains were navy blue and had a white cream under them.  his walls were white, he had a leather couch and a tile'd kitchen. he had poster's of his favorate bands everywhere, and on the wall hanging inbettween his windows was a beautiful girl. She had long wavy brown hair and Brown eyes. SHe had been pale and wearing a red loose Super Mario shirt.

"She's pretty.." i said shallowly i bet that's his girlfriend i thought

"That's claire. She was my sister. Isn't she beautiful..." he said.. i could hear the tears in his voice. She must have died. i wont jump on that subject anymore. So i silently changed the subject.

"i love you're neckalce." i said.

He had a neckalace hanging from a nail on his wall beside his fireplace. Ontop of the fire place there were picture's of differnt people and different little knicknacks. I looked over it cautiously careful not to say soemthin taht would bring up his sister again.

" yes. It's very special to me." i heard balze say under his breath.

as we moved through the house he showed me wehre everything was. as we passed certain things he'd say stuff like

"that's the bathroom, where you pee.."


"that's the kitchen.. you eat in there."


"hey there's where you sleep."

we stoped there and he droped down my bag. "I'll leave you to get settled here now. make yourself comfortable." he spoke as he left.

His room was comforting it was a mix of colors black, red, and blue. shades of white and cream. It was very welcomeing.  I slumped down on his bed. "i am so tierd.." I looked over at the clock he had on his wall. 4:00am already. Goodness. that was the last i remeber before slipping into a deep dark sleep.

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