Chapter 7

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a hazy blur comes across my vision, thoughts streaming through my mind. Where am i? am i dead? as i become more familiar of my surroundings, i realize that my body is being cradled by somebody elses arms. I slowly close my eyes agian. enjoying the warm body that cradles me, a feeling of saftey comes over me.

"Shiloh, are you awake" a hear a familiar voice  call out to me.

i open my mouth to speak but cant so i simply nod, or at least try to, but my head barely moves.

i feel his soft lips apon my cheek and i open my eyes once again, The beautiful blaze was stareing down at me with tear streaked face, "I was so scared.." he soothed carassing my face with his thumb, holding me the steady beat of his heart pulsing through his shirt. "Don't ever scare me like that again" he quivers at the words, pain and sorrow filling his eyes.

"You barely know me.." i choke out the words "how could you care so much"

"I just do" he soothes looking deeply into my eyes. Gleaming desprate for me to understand. Though i know just as well as anybody else, boy's are not to be trusted. As the incident from eirlier proves. I try to pull away from his grasps but shooting pain fills my body, and i feel him tugging me back. i fall hopelsessly back into his arms and lay my head agains his leg, turning over on my side as tears streak my face. How did i ever end up in a position like this, so horrid.. So abused.. what has happend to Nick... Is he okay? is he safe? my mind starts racing with fears of Nick, why did i care so much about him when he could have killed me... my mind travels off and then i feel my head become dizzy and my visoin faint then i let my eye lids slowly close before falling back into a bitter dreamless sleep.

when i awake i am on a unknown couch alone, it is dark blue and soft, cusions that you could drown in if i didnt have such a slim wieghtless figure. I run my hand across the soft miterial of the sofa, Where am i. i wonder to myslef as i sit up in my seat. taking in the senery. the walls are all a soft sandy color, the floors cover'd in thick brown carpet, a small tv in the corner of the room fallowed by a computer on the other side. a few pieces of wooden furniture, i saw a cup of water on the side table next to the fluff couch i was sitting on. "Hello" chimed a soft voice behind me, i turn around to see a familiar face stareing me down. "Its about time you woke up, YOu've been out for days. " Blaze exclaimed trieng hard to hide the wearyness in his words. "Thank you for looking after me. " i sigh out amazed at how long i slept. Wondering just how many days i truely slept. "where am i " the words choke out from the lack of talking.

"At my house, my real house." he says as if everybody has two houses.

"in case you're wondering.." he trails on "  Why i have two houses, its becuase this is the one i like to 'hide out' in. though the other one i live in. " he explains more in detail. telling me how he has some troubles with his family so when they come looking he hides. and therefor has a second house.

I look around some more, this one is absent of anything lively, just plain, nothing like his apartment, This house is small, but welcomeing.  I stand up and run my hand over the soft sofa's back. "Why am i here though?" i ask almost snaping it out.  "Becuase... You need to stay hidden..." he says almost hesitantly.. I instantly knew he ment from Nick.

"Where is he?" i asked cautionsly...

"Honestly?" he asked then continued "i dont know. Niether does anyone else. all we know is, well" he pauses for a moment turnig his head up to look me in the eyes "he wants to find you.." then drops his head back down to the ground.  i dart my eyes down to the ground also.

Soon i feel a soft hand on my arm, he's looking at me, i know because i can feel his eyes on my face. So i bring my eyes to meet his. Little did i know his face was just inches from mine. when i broght my eyes up to his i felt the shear beauty eating into my soul, he moved his hand up to my shoulder than back down, the only sounds you hear are the steady beat of our hears and the soft breathing coming from the both of us.

His face starts comeing close to mine and i panic, my heart starts racing at the speed of light.  He come's close and close, i can feel his breath on my mouth. when he reaches his arms around my waist and looks back into my eyes. he then leans down his lips milimeters before mine. just as i feel his lips just barely on mine the door next to us flys open and a large male walks through the door.

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