"Keith... What flowers did you get me?" My mom asked me. She was smiling softly.

"The... the nice ones." I said,not knowing what type of flowers I had picked.

"Are they the best?"

"Of course! Only the best for you, Momma!"

"Then there's your answer." I looked at my mom confused. She breathlessly laughed, lifting her hand to rest it on my cheek.I grabbed her hand and held it up for her. "You always pick the best flowers out of the ground first to go in the vase. And the best people are always picked first to go into heaven..." My mom coughed, clutching her chest. "Now, run into the living room. Father's work phone is there. It's all charged up so just call 911."

I nodded, doing just as mom said. I walked into the kitchen as it called. 

"911, what's your emergency?"

"My momma is on the ground. She's not moving and has blood on her belly."

"Alright son, can you tell me where you are?"

"Uh... Mom, where are we? Mom? Mom! Momma!"

I threw the phone,breaking it as it turned off and smashed. I fell down by my mom, shaking her lightly.

"I'm going to sleep now. You can't wake me, Keith. Just... Be good, accept what comes to you and be strong. And... don't forget, care for the flowers like you would to friends. Care for them so they won't become weak and wilt."

I don't know if she meant the flowers or friends would wilt. Maybe both?"

I dragged mom to bed. If she's sleeping she has to sleep in bed! Dad left the ground to go to the sky, so mom can when she wants! I took off her gown leaving her in underwear. If she saw me in mine, it should be fine the other way. I got a wet clothes and cleaned the blood, then getting a dino plaster like mom always gives me when I'm cut. I then put her in her sleepwear and left her. I then cleaned the floor as I could, putting the new flowers in the vase and eating the chocolate mom bought last week. I'm sure she won't mind!

*   *   *

"Hello! Miss Kogane, it's social services! I've had reports that your sons hasn't been attending school, we've come to collect him and relocate him until you are deemed capable to care for a child!" A lady called. 

I didn't answer, hiding behind dad's armchair. After a while loud bangs were on the door. I jumped up, running to the stairs,but the door opened first.

"Kid! Where's you mother sweetie?" The lady said.


"Can you wake her?"

"No, she said I can't wake her up."

The lady clicked her tongue. "Tch, bad parenting. Sarah, go wake her."

"No! You can't!" I ran to the stairs but a man caught me, throwing me over his shoulder.

"They asked me about my mom and how I've lived. I answered truthfully,completely unaware that my mother's corpse was rotting upstairs in her own... fluids.They then told me I'd be going away for a while. Little did I know I'd never see my small cabin again...." Keith wiped his face. Lance rocked him back and forward in his arms.  

"What happened then?"

"Are you sure you're not just doing this to get out of unpacking?"

"Trust me, I could just say we're going to sleep with each other and Pidge would let us off."

Dancing To Our Love // Klance (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now