"You better believe it. You are never getting away from me ever again, Roza." He said, which made everyone explode with laughter.

We went upstairs and found our room, and just like Aunt Tati said, the bed was freaking huge. I didn't even take the time to look around I just kicked off my  shoes and stripped down to my Victoria's Secret lace bra and thong set. As I walked towards the bed I was dropping pieces of clothing on the floor, and I could feel Dimitri's eyes burning holes in my ass with longing.

"Are you not going to put on a nightgown or pajama's Roza?" Dimitri asked as I took my tiara off and lay it on the bed side table.

I turned to see him staring at me hungrily while biting his lip which made me want him even more. It was such a shame that I was soo tired.

"Not tonight, I am too tired. Are you coming to bed Comrade?"

"Are you sure that you want me to share your bed, milaya moya?" (my dearest)

"Do you not want to?" I already knew the answer to that question but I wanted to hear him say it.

"Roza, I will always always want to share a bed with you and to hold you in my arms. That is one thing that will not ever change."

"Then what is holding you up?"

"I don't have any pajama pants here Roza?"

"I don't care. Are you wearing underwear?"


"Then just sleep in those." 

He started removing his uniform and I watched his every movement with rapt fascination and attention.

I watched his hands as they moved over the buttons on his shirt. Then I watched his muscles ripple as he removed his shirt and dropped it to the floor.

My mouth was suddenly dry, as I saw him reach for the button and zipper of his pants. My eyes followed his hand down as he unzipped them. I was still watching his hands as they came back to the waistband and pulled his pants off and they joined his uniform shirt, boots and socks on the floor.

"Do you see something you like milaya moya?" He asked me, his voice husky with longing as he used my own line against me. (my dearest)

"Sooo much more than you will ever know." I answered breathlessly as I leaned back against the headboard of the bed one leg bent at the knee the other laying straight. 

And then I said, "you are still, without a doubt, the most magnificent man that I have ever seen."

He began to slowly make his way over to me, "how many men have you seen like this Roza?" He asked as he climbed into our bed.

"Well, some of the members of my family have been injured over the years. And I needed to help take care of them Comrade. Well, at least until I learned to heal."

"I understand that. But how many men have you been with since we meet Roza? Wait, you can heal?!"

"You know, I could ask you the very same question. And yes, I can, but can we talk about that part tomorrow?"

Pulling me under him on the bed and close to his chest he said, "you are still my one and only milaya moya, I could never be with anyone else. I love you too much, I always have. Not even as a strigoi could I bring myself to be with anyone else, I have been with no one but you since the moment I laid eyes on you. And of course, we can talk about that tomorrow." (my dearest)

I could not help but smile when he said that about loving me and not being able to be with anyone else.

"Me too, Mitya."

Queen Thorn (complete)Where stories live. Discover now