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There was no avoiding it. You were sick.

Here you were, lying around on your couch in a white blanket that your friend Alex (also sort of love interest) had left while the rest of your friends enjoyed going to the bar because they were now twenty one. While they were watching some people dancing funny, you were watching some soap opera reruns on T.V., they were out there talking through loud music, the only noise you were making was random sneezing and coughing, they were out enjoying shots of tequila and shit but the only shots you were taking were the hourly cough syrup that tasted of artificial cherry.

Let's just say you weren't very happy. 

The only reason this ever happened what because of [Best Friend's Name] decided to sneeze on you, joking that you were gonna get sick just like her. She said it would be karma for all the jokes you had made about her sickness, but this was just rude. You hadn't even made such terrible jokes either, it was just one that was about her catching ebola and dropping dead any second now, but that wasn't too bad. Okay, maybe it was kinda bad and you deserve it, but the cold could've affected you some other day. Now you would have to depend on snapchat. 

You look through your snapchat, seeing that Zane and Todd were wasted and kept harassing Alex about something that was making him kind of red to the face. At least it looked like that, it could've just been warm in the bar or something but you wouldn't know because YOU WEREN'T THERE. Anyways, seconds after you saw that snap, someone sent you a picture. You open it up and see Alex looking to the side, being cute as always and the caption reading, "he likes u." You instantly cough, choking on your surprise and then realizing that it was Zane who sent it. The same Zane that you also just saw throwing up on the side of the building and pole dancing on the street, thanks to David.

You just shake it away, it can't be true anyway. He's drunk and delusional, and even though you're wishing on a star that it would be true in some universe you let it go and turn up your soap operas. You watch as some girl slaps a guy you think is her boyfriend but could also be her brother and yell something in Spanish. Even though you took classes in high school you would never be able to understand it, she's screaming and talking so fast that she could literally beat Eminem and become the new rap god. Your phone buzzes repeatedly, and you see Alex's face flash on your phone. 


"Hey [Name] what are you doing right now?" You could hear the loud music, mixed in with some beeping cars probably because he's outside.

"I'm home, but I'm actually really fucking sick right now so I couldn't go to the little gathering with you guys. What's up?" He laughs on the other side, the music dying down slowly as he gets in to his car. As you were about to say something, the thought of him liking you stopped your words in your throat. His little blush on his face, the look to the side, his eyebrows raised just made you all the more giddy, yet there was still some of that nervousness of the fact that you might destroy that with any word you speak.

"I don't know, just wanted to check up on you," you could hear the rumble of his car, and the sigh of his lips, "I guess I was just really looking forward to you being there, so that I could have at least some sane person to talk to in a party full of Zane's and Todd's and filming David's. I mean, if you were sick then you should have told me sooner because I could have stayed with you to watch whatever movie you like now." You felt the smile come to your face, he was always so caring about everything, and that made you swoon so much more. You would have preferred staying at home sick with Alex to whatever David was planning with his little goons.

"Well, there's no reason for you to not come right now.." The smiles shining on both your faces at that moment could not have been hidden, who cared if some random dude on the street was staring at him funny, he was too gleeful to care about whoever wanted to judge him at that moment. Immediately his car knew the way, or did he, who knew? All that mattered was that he was going to see the love of his life in a few minutes, and it was the only thing on his mind.

Your heart soared as he said goodbye, and you immediately rushed to look at least a bit presentable for the state you were in. He could be here in five to ten minutes, so you had to pull a fast one and get ready in a few seconds to even have time to choose your "nice" sick outfit for a night in with the boy. As quick as you could, your hands searched for the nearest hair brush and you quickly combed your hair. Alright, this won't be too bad. It's all gonna be fine. Just fine-

The knock on the door startled you, making your hair brush fall to the ground and your body tense at the high stress level. With a deep breath, you made your way to the door, straightened yourself up, and opened up the door to find Alex with a small smile. He was holding a bag of groceries that was probably filled to the brim with snacks for you guys to enjoy. He always knew what to get, the little things that you enjoyed. Seemingly tired, you let the big boy into your home.

You guys stayed watching movies, talking about the crazy night he had had, and just how much fun you were having with your sniffly nose and sudden coughs. Only one story interested you the most though, and somehow you couldn't get enough of it.

"Okay, wait," you stopped your words to let out a laugh that made your throat itch, but was still worth it because this was the best thing you had heard, "so the girl comes up to you and you just intentionally try to look bad??? Um, what???" He laughed along with you, watching your cute nose scrunch up and the tears welling in your eyes from how hard you have been laughing. He appreciated these small moments, feeling that if this was all he could get, then he would take it. You just kept laughing at his antics, oblivious to his loving glance.

"Yeah, I mean, I didn't like that girl," you slowed down your breathing, smiling at him now while his cheeks just turned pinker, "I honestly only have one girl in mind right now."

Your heart skipped a small beat, but the pain was just as hard, if not worse, on your heart. The chance of it not being you was definitely large, but you wanted to at least have some hope that it could possibly be you. It's time for some investigating.

"Hmmm, who's that?" You leaned a bit forward, startling him a little with your confidence, but two could play at that game. He leaned forward a bit too, almost towering over you with his height.

"Now, wouldn't you like to know?" You decided that this would be a pretty bold move, but it was worth it if he really was acting in the way you thought. If this playfulness is here, then he MUST think something of you. At least, enough to possibly like you, right?

"I really, really, would like to know Alex," you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you, putting up your most innocent of smiles, "if you wouldn't mind.." His smile assured you that this was going to happen, and so it did. Your lips touched his in a soft, soothing way that made you feel more loved than ever. You guys didn't clash or get heated, just tried the hardest you could to show how much love you two had in you. A passionate, loving type of kiss that you two knew you wouldn't forget.

"Well, now you know.." You giggled softly, then came back to reality to finally realize what had happened and what was to come. All fun and games until it kicked in that you were currently sick and kissed someone. Sharing spit. Oh, fun times.

"And now I gave you my germs."

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 23, 2018 ⏰

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