Toy Poodle

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*idk i think i need to say this, but the little symbol I use (~) the wavy thing means time skip cuz i find that writing the words are kinda cringy (but when am i not) so ye


"What was that you said [Name]?" David says, laughing to himself at what you decided to blurt out in the middle of the street. You knew that he had his camera hidden somewhere and he would expose your true fangirl self, but you couldn't help think it ever since you got the little toy poodle. You had even tweeted it, although you weren't a social media star, it got many retweets and good response. You hadn't met him either so it was even more embarrassing to say it out loud to four million people. You sigh, making him laugh some more at your little eye roll, the night lights of Los Angeles making your face sparkle.

"You're gonna have to get me coffee before I say anything that I might regret later," he laughed, and you two walked in to the Starbucks before he laughed and retorted, "But you already said online, and once out loud, what's so wrong with saying it again huh?"

You order, grabbing his wallet from his pocket and putting in the chip. He goes to pay and you get your drink, but not before you see they spelled your name wrong, and finally go sit down to say aloud your lowest fangirl point.

"Ugh, I said that ever since I got my toy poodle [Doggo's Name] I've been secretly wishing to see Alex Ernst play with it since it would make him so much more cuter," David's laugh echoes throughout the empty Starbucks, it was pretty late at night so you wouldn't expect a long line like in the daytime anyway, "you see, he's this tall, serious guy with a deep, and may I say pretty sexy, voice. But then you add a cute animal like my toy poodle and BAM! You've got the most adorable sight in the world!"

"Screw Gabbie, I'm gonna try and hook you up with Alex if it's the last thing I do!" You smack David on the arm, making him laugh harder as you two leave the Starbucks and go into the cool, summer night. Oh were you in for a surprise tomorrow morning.


"Wake up [Name] I've got a surprise for youuuu!" You stretched in your bed, having been harshly awoken by David who somehow knew where your spare key was. He threw a bag full of McDonalds food at you, "we're going on an adventure for the vlog together!"

"What the hell David, I'm trying to fucking sleep in on my day off and you just decide to come in and ruin it for me? But the McDonalds does make it a little better.." He yells at you to get dressed cute and so you do, wearing what you have. You go ahead and open up the McDonalds bag and start eating what he brought you, making him wait since you tend to be petty when someone barges in your door and fucking WAKES YOU UP. Once you finally come out of your room, David starts complaining while dragging you into his Tesla to take you to a hopefully amazing place.

"Wait, fuck, go get [Doggo's Name]," you look at him questioningly, taking a step out of the car but still judging him, "we're gonna need that dog for what we're doing today, that's the only hint you're gonna get missy. Also bring some treats or something that you use to make him do those cool tricks you taught it."

As you brought little [Doggo's Name] into the car, David decided to blindfold you and zoom into oblivion. You began feeling dizzy from all the driving and turns, but you were sure that whatever he was up to it wasn't good. Afterall, he is the same guy who previously blindfolded you and threw a snake on you that almost caused you an anxiety attack. But, like always, he made up for it by getting you McDonalds. And like always, you accepted it with open arms. You two kept driving for what felt like forever to you, strangely like you guys were going in a circle...

"David are you driving in circles so I don't know where we're going?" He laughed, saying yeah and talking to his camera in private or something because he kept whispering. You just sat back, petting your dog like a villain in some cartoon. That was until David decided to park like a maniac and make you two almost fly out of the car and into the peace that heaven is.

"Fuck what the hell?!" You went to open the door but instead found a hand which you took, still covered up by the blindfold and still holding [Doggo's Name] in your arms. These hands were definitely not David's, they were a bit rough and were definitely larger than David's, basically the opposite. You let the hand lead you to wherever since David had said so, and you guys went on an elevator. The absolute worst thing to do when blindfolded. You held on to the person holding your hand, now realizing that he was most certainly a guy, one with really nice pecs. With the little dog still in your arms, you guys now sat on a comfy couch. David was talking to someone now, a person with a familiar voice....

"Okay [Name] take off the blindfold!" You ripped it off while yelling finally and the first thing you see is the tallest guy you've ever laid eyes on, and you realize your situation instantly as you look into the familiar blue eyes. Eyes that you've only ever seen on your screen.

"David you dummy first you make me tell your viewers about my strange fantasy and now you make me face it without my consent?" You're laughing, but you still feel the little pit of nervousness that is itching to grow. That is until you turn to your left and see the cutest sight in the world. Alex is already playing with the little pup who can't seem to get enough of him either, [Doggo's Name] is rolling around for him to pet her, and Alex is giving in to her tiny charm. You smile down at them both, David recording your reaction and whispering out a you're welcome. Alex looked up at you with a reciprocated smile, making you blush and look to your side. He pulled you down next to him and you two sat while playing with the tiny puppy.

"[Doggo's Name] shake!" She gives Alex her paw, making him chuckle at her little actions. It makes your heart race. How are you supposed to approach him though, how do you ask for his number in a way that doesn't make you look desperate? Hey, you know what's better than a puppy? Nothing, but going on a date will be great too. Ugh. You inwardly face palm, this is gonna be harder than you thought--

"Hey, so I was wondering if maybe we could meet up sometime? It doesn't have to be with [Doggo's Name] , but I'd like to get to know you too," you look up at him, an intense blush working at your cheeks, "I-I mean, we don't have to if you don't want to but I'm just saying it right now if you wanted to or something-" You kissed his cheek gently, feeling somehow confident because of his little stutter.

"No that would be amazing actually! I was gonna try to approach you but then I didn't know what to say and it was gonna be awkward and-" he laughed at your cute actions smiling gently at you, making a reassured feeling go over you. This is what love is like. This is what it's supposed to feel like.

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