fuck you David

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(words; 1197 cuz i fucking suck)

Your thoughts when David texted you, "hey you wanna go to target with Alex and Liza?" were alright, time to do another vlog. What you got was way off what you were thinking.

"How long am I supposed to wear this dirty rag over my eyes, it's gonna ruin my mascara!" The list you could make of the bad things he's done with you blindfolded is endless, and you already felt nervous from the fact that you didn't even know where you were going. You started fidgeting with your fingers, feeling the anxiety rising.

"Sweetie don't panic, I promise you it's all good," Liza pats your knee, making you jump and practically lay on Alex, "do you even know what day it is?"

This was something you didn't really think about, most of your attention recently was going to the project you were currently working on. Now that you thought about it, everything was being blurred out of your life. You kept trying to figure it out but nothing came to mind. Maybe it was someone's birthday..?


"HOLY SHIT IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!" Your head shot up with a smile plastered on your face, making the boy next to you smile. It took you so damn long, but at hearing the laughs coming from everyone you relaxed. Now you knew you could trust LIza's little "sweetie don't panic."

"Took you long enough, but it's nice to know that I don't have to take it personally if you forget our anniversary," the rumble of not only laughs from you, but butterflies must have been obvious by now to the couple in front of you since you could hear the giggles they were trying to hide, meanwhile Alex continued with his flirting, "but then again, what if you forget the due date for the baby and your water breaks in our room, then you'll have to fucking buy me new sheets."

"That's different though, because our baby would be the cutest thing ever and I would be excited for the day to come." David makes some throw up noises at all the cutesy talk while zooming in to Alex's loving look he's giving you.


"Just a little more walking and we'll be there," David tells you while you groan then trudge with Liza holding on to your arm so you don't walk into a wall, "where do you think we are?"

"It better be something fucking good like Disneyland because I did not walk this much for nothing David." You heard his surprised laugh while he took your blindfold off. You look around while your eyes focus to the light, seeing instantly a big logo of your favorite mouse.

"FUCK YEAH YOU SEE THAT I GUESSED THIS SHIT RIGHT!" Alex laughs at your antic while slipping his arms around your waist and laying his head on your shoulder, doing all of this while crouching to try and get at your level. This had become a normal thing for him to do since you two were single and crushing for months, but today was somehow special because he went and kissed your cheek. You could already hear the fans screeching in their seats, and from the look that David gave you he would make that the thumbnail. Unless something else more interesting happened.

You guys went ahead and went on a bunch of rides, getting many clips of you screaming on roller coasters and one impressive one of Alex winning the largest teddy bear you have ever seen (which David teased that you were the same size as it). Not everything was all screaming though, you guys did end up going on It's a Small World which was the destruction of you since it was all you could hum now. Then the teapots were great because you had an excuse to lay on Alex, your words being, "i'm getting too dizzy, so I'm just gonna try and block it all away" which he responded by hugging you close to his chest and nuzzling his nose into your hair all the while David is chanting.

"[Name] and Alex sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G," Liza joins in by finishing it off, "first comes love then comes marriage! The comes the baby in the baby carriage!" You stick your tongue out at them and cuddle in more.

You guys got churros and Alex impressed everyone by gobbling up a turkey leg alone, you just decided to go get a slushy or something, because as impressive as that is, it's also very messy and he would need many napkins. How does he thank you? By giving you another kiss on the cheek with some greasy lips.

At one point Liza took you away to one of the many gift shops to show you 'something' while David and Alex whispered something to the vlogging camera.

"Okay, so later on in the night when the fireworks come out, Alex is planning on full-on kissing [Name] and asking her out, so these are the last moments of the single, desperate Alex we know," Alex then smacks his butt, "so the only reason I'm here is because I need content and views, and also this'll be a kick-ass thumbnail since she's practically the living definition of clickbait."

"So wish me luck, because I'm probably gonna need it!" He then goes to walk to you in the gift shop leaving David there looking dumb.

As the day goes on, you share more cute moments with Alex and complain that everything here is overpriced which gets you some Minnie Mouse ears thanks to none other than Alex, who just couldn't help himself but waste fifteen dollars on some ears that you could only wear on Halloween or at Disneyland. The day darkens, causing you guys to slowly walk through the magical place and make your way to go see the fireworks. You four go find a place to get a nice view, then wait for the magic to happen while you watch David suspiciously hide his vlogging camera so that you can't see it.

"What's going o-" You turn to a nervous looking Alex who grabs your hand and gives you a reassuring smile, making your face go hot. His arm goes around your waist and next thing you know your lips are on him, keeping a nice rhythm while you two smiled into the kiss. It wasn't at all heated, more like loving and sweet because you two knew that this is what you've wanted now for months. As you guys pulled apart, you couldn't help but look at those pretty blue eyes, lit up by the many fireworks going off. He smiles lovingly, causing your heart to soar over the moon. He gets closer to your ear and whispers to you in such a sultry way you feel yourself tremble.

"So, will you be mine?" All you can do is look at him dumbstruck and nod.

"Hell yeah my boy Alex is finally getting some! What does it feel like to have your first kiss?" His smile resonates happiness, and he looks into your eyes once more before going over to David's camera.

"Fuck you David." 

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