dammit Alex

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*Not really a ton of smut, but there is some bit at the end where Alex gets a bit feisty ;)

(words; 991 bc i still fucking suck)


"Alex we're lost! Let's just turn around before we end up with no gas!" He was so confident that this was the way to the river where we would meet up with David, Liza and the rest of the gang, but you were pretty sure that it wasn't on the other side of the state. But because Alex is Alex, he kept persisting that he was right and that you two could make it without searching up directions. Oh how wrong he was. Currently, you two are going through, what looks like, an abandoned road where some clown is probably gonna pop out. What a nice way to die.

"Fuck off [Name], I know this is the way that we came here last time, you're just distracting me with that swimsuit you've got on!" Your face immediately reddens, did it get fucking hotter or is that just the blood coming to your face? You hear his little mumble at the end, "then if the swimsuit wasn't enough, you've got my fucking shirt on you tease. Just wait until we get over to the private area and hotel, you won't be able to walk, let alone swim."

As you were about to make some sly retort, a deer suddenly popped up to say hello, making Alex swerve out of the way. With your heart racing, you look forward to see smoke coming from the engine, causing you to scream out to Alex to pull over. You feel like you're about to have a panic attack with how intense that turn was, but immediately after he puts the car on park, you jump out to check the damage.

"Fuck Alex, the engine is over heated!" You run your hand through your hair, already feeling the frustration bubbling up, ready to spill all over your boyfriend. But he knew better than to test your current patience because contrary to him, you never curse unless the circumstance causes you to lose your temper, "now we have to call a tow truck and wait probably fucking five hours. Who the hell puts this car for rent when it's clearly for the city or some shit! We said road trip didn't we?!"

"About that," You look over, seeing as he looks anywhere but your eyes, "I checked my phone and it says we'd have to wait like three hours until the truck can come pick us up." Perfect. Of course you would jinx it, now you two would need to sit in ninety degree weather while some truck with crappy air conditioning could pick you up.

"So now what? What are we gonna do while we wait for our savior?" He looks to the right of you, giving you a nervous smile. You look behind you to see a small walk to a lake which seemed pretty abandoned due there being, surprisingly, no people. You raise your eyebrows at him, holding back a smile since you were still kind of pissed that he caused this whole problem.

"I mean, we were gonna go to the river in the first place, so why not just take a little dip while we wait three hours for this truck?" He goes over to you, hugging your waist and smiling down at your shorter form, "besides, we get to be alone, so we could make this a date of sorts." Damn Alex, always making a crappy situation better with that fucking smile of his, don't forget the charisma.

You two quickly get some of your stuff out from the trunk, making sure to get lots of sunscreen. Then you make Alex take all the stuff since he's the one who caused all of this mess, so he had to carry your cute, fuzzy bunny backpack around for a bit. Which gave you the chance to take the greatest picture of all time.

"No you better fucking delete that shit," you tease by going onto Snapchat and taking a quick video of how embarrassed he is, adding to it by baby talking him, "What's the matter lil' Alex, do you want mommy to delete the picture?" You see the glowing smile appear on his face as you say the word mommy, it being an inside joke ever since you two met. He goes at you to wrestle your phone out of your hands, but fails and splashes into the sandy river. Fucking karma for what he did.

 Fucking karma for what he did

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After a while of funny Snapchat videos and messing around, the tow truck finally decides to show up. You two get out of the water, and as you are about to come out of the small patch of trees that separate the road from the lake, you feel Alex's arms around your waist.

"Alex what the-"

"What if we just stay here, relax in the sun," he started to rub your hips, making you shiver with what was a mixture of the cold feeling of the air hitting your wet back and heat from Alex's intimate actions. His lips travel to your neck, already trying to make a mark there, removing all distractions until you remember where the hell you are, "let's forget about the person who's coming to pick us up and focus on what's really important."

You whine, "But Aleeeeex, he's already here! You decide to do this once we're about to leave?" He sighs, and you keep walking  towards the place where you hear the truck rumbling until you feel something go on your head.

"Fine, but I'm not having whoever the fuck is driving that truck see your beautiful body," his smell travels all around you, immediately creating a cozy setting, "that's for my eyes only."

"Dammit Alex," you turn around to kiss his cheek, slightly pushing him back at the force, "the things you do to me."

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