What a Gentleman

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**idk if you'll get triggered, but there will be a mention of your ex here and also a non-graphic scene of you throwing up so ye. If ur ex triggers you then just use the name Jacob or something instead of the evil snek who broke ur heart


"FUCK YEAH LET'S GOO!!!!!" You and the gang were currently at a club where you might have had a bit too much to drink. A bit would be an understatement because right now you were chugging two beers, going against Heath. Normally you would just go ahead and maybe drink a mojito or something, but today wasn't any other day. [Ex Name] broke it off because apparently you having any type of friends was bad and he wanted you to be locked up and make him a sandwich or something. You weren't gonna lay down for him to control.

"CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG!" David had his vlog camera on, making you all the more excited to impress. Somehow you were holding down your liquor well? This didn't normally happen, since most of the time you only had a few sips of alcohol or a simple glass of wine. Who knew that breaking up would give you the power of one hundred men. Okay, maybe about five men. Besides, you didn't even enjoy drinking. It was the burning down your throat that made you want it more at the moment.

"How the fuck is she fitting anything into that fucking small body of hers??" Heath had already admitted defeat while you kept going, drowning out all the voices with the beer bottle that was tipped back in your mouth. You were at your third now, going for a fourth until Alex decided to take it instead. He was very worried about how you were dealing with this emotional problem, but let it happen since it didn't seem that bad.

"BECAUSE I'M FUCKING BETTER AT CHUGGING HEATH!" Everybody laughed at your actions, knowing well that you were completely wasted. They all seemed to be getting their energy to keep going from you, but you were beginning to feel sick. His words echoed through your head, making a single tear fall down your cheek. Of course, nobody noticed this except for a certain blonde guy who promised himself he wouldn't take his eyes off you for the rest of the night.

As he was about to go and hug you, he was interrupted by Zane who dragged you into the dance floor. You decided this was the best choice for you currently, to forget all of what happened with music and make sure you don't remember it the next morning. But Zane being drunk as well, he had some other intentions in mind. He went to grab your waist, pulling you to his chest and moving in to kiss you when Alex finally decides to show up and save you from this awkward hell hole.

"Come on [Name], you're looking a bit sick," Oh indeed you were, you think as you're kind of throwing up in your mouth, "let's get you to the restroom before you throw up on the floor."

You guys make it to the restroom that just happened to be empty, when normally it would be full of sweat since people enjoyed having sex in a place where you're supposed to be pooping. You give him one of your hair ties and lean over the toilet, where almost instantly you started to throw up. He doesn't exactly know how to tie hair, but tries his best to keep your hair out of the way. Some would be disgusted by this and completely unattracted by what they're seeing, but Alex wasn't like everyone else. He was in love with you, having known you now for three years. He loved everything about you, from your [Hair Color] to the way you played with your hair tie when nervous. He'd never experienced love before, until he looked into your [Eye Color] eyes that first time.

"sh, sh, sh, it's alright," you were crying, laying your head on the toilet seat although knowing that people probably fucked on top of it, "[Ex's Name] isn't here anymore, he lost his shot with the most amazing person on Earth. And that's good because he was nowhere near worthy of your love. You're so much more better than he is, such a talented, beautiful woman with a bright future ahead of you." Your tears came down at every single compliment he gave you, nobody had ever treated you in such a princess manor and that made you feel an aching in you heart.

"You're the fucking amazing person here, I can't believe you would even help me like this, at my worst!" You hug him, feeling sleepy and warm in his arms after all the crying. His strong arms hold you softly, a nice touch to his normal serious demeanor. He holds you with delicacy and love, as though you were a fallen bird that needed to be nurtured. He picked you up, getting your keys from your bag and leaving the place even though David wanted him to stay. He had bigger priorities, like making sure you got home safely. He could never forgive himself if anything happened to you that he could've prevented. You guys made your way to your car, and he put you down in the backseat so you could rest.

The drive didn't have an awkward silence to it like others would if it were a different situation, this one was a peaceful silence. Alex had turn on some Frank Sinatra, specifically My Way since it seemed the most appropriate at the moment, and drove nice and easy through the silent streets of a Saturday night in Los Angeles. The roads were empty because of all the partying that was going on, everyone was at some place, not just driving around. Also it was one in the morning, so people were still out. As he took a turn into your street to your house, he heard a quiet but still detectable sentence from you. You would probably not remember what you said by tomorrow morning, but Alex knew he would cherish these words forever because they felt so right. Like the puzzle peace that's been missing in his heart all this time. Maybe someday you would say it again, and this time you'll hold him and whisper it into his ear with an unbeatable love.

"I love you Alex."

Alex Ernst ImaginesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum