Chapter Thirty-Two

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Sienna slowly pulls herself together and we make our way back to her room.  Miranda addresses me, “Piper, would you send a Notice to Charlotte? You probably have another Rivie Tour that you need to be getting to.”

I nod and Miranda escorts me out of the room.  We both pretend we don’t hear Sienna begin to weep into her pillow again.

I lie to Miranda, “I’ll tell Charlotte to meet me in the Eating Hall, okay?”

Miranda absent-mindedly nods.  Camilla approaches us and Miranda moves to talk to her.

I slip out of the Nurses’ Wing and down the hall. I pull out my Notice as I walk and send a quick message to Dana. Can you come meet me in the Eating Hall? I would like to talk again.

Dana’s response come a couple minutes later, by then I’m in the Eating Hall seated at a table near the back.  Sure, I just need to finish something up first. Be there in about ten minutes.

I sit nervously, hoping Miranda, Christopher, or Charlotte don’t show up. I know it’s a horrible move, lying to Miranda yet again when she is just starting to re-believe my story, but I need to talk to Dana. She promised she would tell me why she was acting so dumb and giggly soon.  It has been bothering me ever since I’ve gotten here, and I’m incredibly close to the answer.

Why does Miranda suddenly believe me story once again? She basically called me a liar and told me she would never trust me again. Why is she abruptly trusting me, supporting me, and being helpful? Is it out of pity? Does she just believe that it is her job as the Leader of the Unknown to be fairly caring towards each person in the Unknown? Is she just acting and deep down inside she hates me?

Does she really believe me? If so, why? What has changed her opinion so rapidly? What is something I did? Was it Sienna’s coming and retelling of our story? Was it something someone else said to help me?

Someone sits beside me and my stomach quickly sinks. It’s Christopher once again. How does he know every time that I’m here alone? Does he just stalk the halls, looking for someone to trick and lie to?

Christopher turns to face me and looks me in the eye sympathetically, “Listen, Piper, I’ve heard about your little problem.”

I say defensively, “What are you talking about?”

Christopher puts his hands up, as if in mock surrender, “Okay, okay, no need to get offie irritated with me, Rivie.  I was just trying to be helpful.”

I just bite my lip. I’m not going to let Christopher boss me around this time.

Christopher switches to a faked understanding tone, “Piper, I know a lot of people. I heard about the whole ‘Miranda not believing your true past’ thing.”

“What?” The word comes out feeble and confused.

 “Oh, Piper, you must know that secrets in the Unknown don’t stay secrets for very long. In fact, it’s really offie incredible I didn’t learn about it sooner.”

“But…how?” Miranda would want to know who’s been leaking secrets. 

A thought stops me. What if it’s Dana? I’ve told Dana everything.  Dana is in Christopher’s rogue Unknown group. What if she told him?

Christopher just laughs, “I would never betray that person’s identity. I’m not the kind of person that gives away secrets, Piper. A lot of people trust me because of it.”

I doubt it’s anything but the exact opposite.

Christopher either doesn’t pick up on my doubt or doesn’t care, “Piper, I’m going to be honest, your past makes quite a story. But, I believe it, every word.”

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