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Hey guys! Hii! How are you all?? Sorry to keep you all waiting! Thank you everyone for showering your love on me.❤

A warm breath grazes Sanskar’s neck and he hear a soft whisper in his ears:’Get up’. Swara looks at him and smiles,her hairs falls over his face and she smells of expensive moisturizes and shampoo.Sanskar get up and follow Swara to the balcony where she has already placed tea for them.She made the tea which tastes horrible but the early morning breeze is amazing.Swara looks at sanskar and smiles.Sanskar wrap himself around Swara and hold her close.
Swara: WE are late.We have to start now. You go and take bath.
Sanskar goes to take bath while Swara takes Diya and goes to Ragini.
Swara:Ragini, I am going.You have to take proper care of Diya.
Ragini: Don’t worry I will take care of her as my own daughter. But you don’t forget what maa had said.
Swara nods and goes.
Sanskar:Swara just now I got a call from the airport that our plane is cancelled.We should postpone our journey.
Swara: No! Let’s go in our car. it is only 12 hours journey from here.
Sanskar: But……
Swara: Please Sanskar.
Swara looked at Sanskar with her big,puppy eyes and his heart melted immediately.
Sanskar: You come down in five minutes.
Swasan take everyone’s blessings and set off their journey.
After the all day tiring journey,they stop at a hotel and after haven taken their dinner they book one room and get in. Sometimes life throws very immense riddles at us that we are confused.
Swara: Sanskar, you had written a diary while I was in Delhi?
Sanskar: Ummm,just like that.
Swara: You can hide it from everyone not me.
AS she says skepticism drips from her eyes.Sanskar tries to lie but cannot.
Swara: Can I read it? The diary?
Sanskar: How can I say no to you?
Sanskar fetch the diary from his bag and hand over it to her.
As soon as he gives to her she starts reading it.

After Swara left me that day I realized what blunder I did. Shaina told me to reconsider my decision to hurt her. But I was adamant. I knew I love her the moment she hugged me and cried the other day,but my ego was not ready to accept it. She was a light of hope in my dark night. But I can't... I can't pretend to hate her when I know I Love Her. She can't be happy with me. I am not what she deserves. She deserves much better. That is why I acted to cheat her. Because I knew this was the only way to let her go. But after she went I realised I was a fool to let my ego win over my love. Swara is my life,my love. I can't even breathe a second without her. Without her everything seems incomplete. Whenever I see my room,it reminds me of her, her memories. I have decided that I will win her heart back.

As soon as she reads these lines,he see the small pearls of tears accumulate at the corners of her eyes.Sanskar keep her close as she starts to read the diary. He wraps a blanket around them as it is windy outside. She looks at him intermittently and she can barely keep herself from crying. it’s as if her eyes keep asking him the question-“Do you really love me?” Traditionally, the guy is supposed to take care of the girl he’s in love with. But with Swara, it doesn’t work that way. Swara has always been a strong woman and never needed his help in doing anything. Situation made her stronger. But in these moments of vulnerability like the one right now,Sanskar feel like a man who needs to protect his woman. Sanskar can hold her,hug her and tell her that he will be there and he will make everything correct.He have always waited for these moment when he can make her feel like a little baby who needs to be cared for.Usually its only he who needs a lot of care. Swara is normally a fast reader. She used to be lightning quick with the English passage but now she takes her own street time in reading the diary,stopping and reading certain page.She flips every page with extreme love and affection.After finishing the diary she doesn’t say anything else,but her eyes speaks everything. Sanskar hugs him tighter ,watch her sleep for a little and doze off too. When Sanskar wake up,Swara is already up and around. She has a cup of coffee​ in her hand.She is looking out of the window with her enchanting face.
Sanskar:When did you wake up?
She looks at Sanskar lovingly ,comes near him and sits beside him.
Swara: it has been a couple of hours.
Sanskar:Why didn’t you wake me up?
Swara: You look cute when you are sleeping.
Aha! That’s exactly what he think about her.
Sanskar: Thank you.
He blush and turns red tomato.
Swara: Awww!!! You are blushing?
Sanskar: No! I don’t blush.
Swara: Really? I thought it was nice. But if you say you were not blushing…
Sanskar: No! I was.
They both laugh.
Swara: Now let’s go.
Sanskar pick up the bag and head towards downstairs. He pay the receptionist. His brain is a wreck and he have no idea how to put this trip back on track.
It has been eight hours since he is driving. Slowly the sun turns orange and sets across the horizon. A little later they find themselves on a long road that doesn't seem to have an end and their car is the only one for miles around.
Sanskar: Do we drive through the night?
Swara: Why not? I can drive if you feel tired.
Sanskar: Are you serious?
Swara: Yes! anyway, there’s nothing in sight we don’t have an option. Contrary to what he’d expected and hoped for she doesn't panic. Instead She asks him to switch places.She puts on her earphones and start driving along. Soon, the only light in the pitch black night are the headlights and stars above them. The only sound is the rumble of engine. The darkness around them is little disturbing. Try driving on a deserted road with the car’s headlight off. I can bet it is the most uneasy we would ever feel.
We all are used to the light around us, darkness unsettles them. Swara, he is sure is not thinking about that. Sanskar look at her and she is bobbing her head to the music on her phone. Soon,he is asleep.
You are the sun in my day, the wind in my sky, the waves in my ocean, and the beat in my heart. All my dreams came true the day that I met you. I Love You! You are the sunshine of my life! Thanks for brightening my world with the warmth of your Love… You are the fire that burns the passion within my soul. I love You with all my heart… I want to be your arms, I want to feel your touch, I want your lips on mine, I need you very much.

Hash! Completed another chappy! How is it??? Do tell me your reactions!!
Till Then!
Thank You!
Take Care!
See You Next Time!
Love You All Forever!
Good Night!

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