Ink: H-hi error

Error:Hello Inky

At this point Ink was blushing as bright as his dress.

Error: Shall we?

Error held his arm out to "escort" Ink down the stairs, behind them Alexa, Ruby, and Baby flower fell.

When they got down the stairs they saw their friends, along with their guests Inktale Mettaton, Inktale Frisk, Errortale Frisk, Errortale Toriel, Dream, Blueberry, Underswap Papyrus, and Fell sans.

Ink: Looks like Blueberry and Dream are here ima go over and say hi!

Error: okay have fun Inky

Ink walked over to Dream, Blueberry, Fell, and US Pap

Ink: Hi guys!!

Dream and Blueberry: INK!

The three small skeletons hugged.

Dream: So how have you been Ink?

Ink: Good, been living here with some friends for a while

Blueberry: Cool- i think i seen Error, HI!

Blueberry ran over to Error and started talking, Dream looked at ink

dream: so you look really nice tonight

ink: oh thank you!

dream: you'd look even better on my-

Baby ff: PAPA!

a baby flower fell came out of nowhere

Blueberry: ERROR! HI

Error: eh? oh hi blueberry

Blueberry pulled Error over to Ink and Dream. Error heard "You'd look even better on my-" He was furious but he wasn't going to show it, he didn't want Ink to get mad.

Ink: Ummmm what

Dream put his hand under Inks chin

Dream: You look very pretty

Dream looked down at Inks skirt and blushed, That's it Error had enough of Dreams crap. Error walked up to Dream.

Error:Excuse me Dream? May I talk to you in privet?

Dream:*mumbles* Sure

Error and Dream walked into a room Dream closed the door behind him. Error pinned dream to a wall.

Error: This is your first warning if you ever do that again to Ink you will pay for flirting with my boyfriend

Dream:What are you talking about?I wasn't flirting with Ink

Error: I heard you saying 'you'd look even better on my bed' crap, I know you're lies

Error held up Dreams soul with strings.


Error threw Dream down on the floor hard.

Dream walked out of the room looking liked he'd been in a tornado, Error behind him looking unhappy, Error walk over to Ink.

Ink: Hey! Are you okay?

Error:*sigh* I'm fine I'm just glad you're okay

Ink:What do you mean?

Error:He was flirting with you

Ink:Wait wat

Error:Wait you didn't know he was flirting with you?!

Ink: Yea.....

US Papyrus: Wait who was flirting with who?

Error: Dream was flirting with Ink

Error growled.

US Papyrus:Ah so that's why Dream looks like he's been through a storm

Error: Yup

Ink: What did you do him?

Error:Ah nothing that he wouldn't forget heh


US Papyrus:Ummm


Ink: Well then



Error:Hm? Hey man! I'm good, how ya doing?

Fell: I'm doing good whacha doing here?

Error: Living here with some friends and my boyfriend

Ink: I didn't know you were friends with Fell

Error: Yea he's one of the first gliches I spared

Ink: Huh cool

Inktale Frisk and Mtt: INK!

Ink was tackled by a Frisk and Mettaton

Ink:Hehe hi guys!

Inktale Frisk: WE'VE MISSED YOU!!!!

Inktale Mtt: DARLING WE'VE MISSED YOU!!!!!!!

Ink: I've missed you guys!!!

???: Error?


Error turned around to see a glichy teenage looking Frisk

Error: Frisk?

Errortale Frisk: Nice seeing you Error

Error: You've grown up kid, how old are ya now?

Errortale Frisk:18


Ink: Who's this?

Error: This is the Frisk from my au

Ink: Oh!Nice to meet you

Inktale Frisk:Woah cool! Hi I'm Inktale Frisk!

Errortale Frisk: Nice to meet all of you!

Ink and Error went to the kitchen, Ink grabbed a slice of pizza.

Error:hey Ink?

Ink: Yes?

Error:Do you love me?

Ink put his pizza down.

Ink: Of course I do why would you think that!?

Error: I guess Dream flirting with you got to me

Ink kissed Error lightly.

Ink: You know I'd never leave you

Error: I know 

Ask Ink and Error {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now