Behind the Mask | Sixteen

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Sixteen: Odelle

I pulled over by the entrance of our mansion and killed off the engines before turning to the fast-asleep Chloe leaning against the windshield of the passenger's seat. We didn't travel that long – how tired must she be to fall asleep just like that?

Focusing my eyes on her, I unconsciously started to scrutinize everything about her physiques. Her hair was covering almost her entire face, leaving her flawless neck exposed. Fuck, I'd like to kiss that neck someday, but at the moment, touching her like that was off-limits. I might be a fuckboy but I was no sexual offender.

Leaning forward, I gently drew small circles on her shoulder with the pad of my thumb as I moved my lips closer to her ear and whispered, "Wake up, Chloe." She was unresponsive at first, and I had to repeat that same sentence for about five more times but eventually, I managed to squeeze out a reply:

"Hmm... Five minutes..."

"Come on, sleepyhead. We're at our first stop."

"Five more minutes..."

"I know you're a sleeping beauty, but do I really need to kiss you before you wake up?" Sure, I'd like to kiss her, but not while she's asleep. Necrophilia's not my thing.

"Mhmm... kiss me."

I automatically moved back when I heard her response, frustrated and almost facepalming. Damn, what if she fell asleep like this with a goddamn pervert? Besides, if I was a little bit crazier, I'd jump into the opportunity and fucking ram her lips with mine; thankfully, I was still sane enough to keep my morals in mind. Heaving out another sigh, I decided to just poke her waist in hopes of her being ticklish there.

Chloe's eyes shot open as her body jolted up. Thank fucking goodness. My plans would burn to smithereens if she still did not wake up. She turned her head around, checking where the hell I brought her to, while I sat there, just staring at her and on the process of getting amused.

She's goddamn cute, I couldn't help it. One minute, she's like, 'Kiss me' and then the next, she was all panicky. So fucking cute.

"We're at our mansion," I replied to her unspoken question with a wide toothy grin. "Come on, let's go."

Off the car, I turned around to open the door for her only to find out that she got off at the same time as me. Again, it was amusing since other women would wait for me to open the door for them. Of course, I knew that they find it gentlemanly and that's why I still do it.

One of the butlers was waiting by the gate for my arrival. I didn't inform them beforehand but as expected, they were alert.

"Morning, Sebastian," I greeted him with enthusiasm, smiling widely like a kid. A hint of surprise reflected on his face upon seeing Chloe but it disappeared in just a second. I paid it no mind. It must be because it was the first time he saw me with a girl. Yup, the first time. I had never brought a fling to our house.

"Good morning, Young Master."

"Still stiff as ever, huh? Anyway, no need to park the car. We'll leave as soon as we're done here."

Holding Chloe's hand, I dragged her into the gates of our mansion with Sebastian following behind us, careful not to be left behind but also to not get too close. He's the head butler of our household and at times, my father's secretary.

He opened the double doors of our house for me, though I had always reminded him to stop doing every single thing for me since I could do them myself. He's too serious about his work but maybe that's the reason my father employed him.

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