Behind the Mask | Nine

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Nine: Blaze

We were dismissed at 12 o'clock, just because the school would be undergoing an inspection by an international organization for some kind of certification. I got no clue about the details. Not like I care in the first place.

The one thing bugging my mind was Ethan. Ever since I plopped down on my bed, I had been trying to contact him. I couldn't even count how many messages and missed calls I gave him. Well, as his girlfriend, I was simply worried since I hadn't heard from him ever since the call yesterday. Believe it or not, that's actually unusual, especially because he's the kind of man who would start the morning with a call or text to me.

Unless I upset him yesterday.

Well, fuck.

"Hey, Blaze." My head voluntarily snapped to Trisha's direction.


"You look so worried." She tilted her head to the right, still gazing at me. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing much." I gave her an assuring smile and continued, "Just some mafia bullshit. You don't have to worry about me."

That wasn't a total lie, though. Ethan not contacting me could mean a variety of things: one, he's mad; two, he's just busy; three, he was attacked or something; et cetera, et cetera. He's our president after all – it wouldn't be strange if Black Skull directly attacked him especially because that group was well-known for being an aggressive one.

I tried calling Karl for once. Unlike the usual, he didn't pick up right off the bat. But at least, he still answered my call.

"Sup, Blaze. What's the matter?"

"Don't tell me you just woke up?"

His yawn was enough to answer my query. "I was pretty wasted last night. My head still fucking hurts."

"You went out drinking last night?"

Now, that's news. Not like drinking on a school night was anything new, but we only used to drink until we're tipsy, not wasted. My heart started to clench with worry.

"Ethan didn't tell..." he suddenly trailed off and let out a low groan. "Shit, I'm sorry. His phone died so he asked me to message you, but I forgot."

"Never mind about that. Where the fuck's Ethan?"

"He's not there yet? That's strange." I swallowed my spit with a hint of nervousness.

"What are you talking about?" Not here? Was he planning to surprise me?

"What the fuck? He said you agreed to meet him since it's Friday." My cardiac started to race as my worries only blossomed even more. "Was he lying?"

I felt nervous and worried that Ethan might be up to something dangerous. If not, he wouldn't have to lie to Karl. He never lied to him nor me. Hell, he hated lying. What's with the sudden hypocrisy?

"Hey, can you pick me up here at school?"

Trisha turned to look at me with wide eyes. Her eyebrow was raised, as if asking what I was planning. I ignored her.

"Is that an order?"

"I'm asking for a favor as your friend," I whispered, "We have to talk."

"We as in you and I, or we as in you and Ethan?"

"God, Karl, please? It could be both or it could be the latter. Just, please, pick me up. I'm desperate."

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