"What was that sound?"

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“What was that sound? Wait a sec, I’ll go check it out…!”

The group of superheros laughed together. Peter leant against the wall and took another sip of his drink.

They had just helped save New York….again. And Tony was feeling like he wanted to party.

Which is why the Avengers, the Fantastic Four, Spidey and Wolverine were all crammed into the top floor of the Avenger’s tower with bad music playing and a selection of party foods.

Wolverine was brooding in one of the arm chairs, while Johnny Storm and Clint Barton were playing drinking games. Mr Fantastic and the Ant-man were involved in some science conversation, and Tony was dancing around the party as an overeager host. Miss Potts, the real host, was watching everyone with a stern expression on her face – except when Tony came near and flirted. Of course, Tony was flirting with everyone – he’d even used a few lines on Peter. Steve kept shooting Tony dirty looks, which only encouraged the man.

Spidey laughed as Clint beat Johnny once again. Of course, challenging a SHIELD spy to drinking games was a stupid idea in the first place – even Peter knew that.

Then again, Johnny wasn’t the smartest guy. He was almost as reckless as Wade. Tony caught Peter’s eye and grinned at him, crossing the room and darting past his guests to stand by Peter.

“Heya kiddo,” Tony said. “Nice work today.” He clinked their glasses together, then shot Spidey’s drink a look. “Hey, that’s not alcohol is it? I can’t be arrested for allowing minors to drink. That would be a blow to my reputation.”

“Since when do you have a reputation?” Peter shot back.

Tony shrugged. “It’s a work in process.”

Peter chuckled, and asked “How’s that going?”

Tony made a sad face. “Not very well, Spiderman.”

They laughed and drank.

Peter looked over Tony’s shoulder and gestured to the guests. “If you want to help your reputation, you should probably stop that.”

“Stop wha-” He turned. “Ahh! Guys!” Tony darted off to stop Hawkeye, who had taken out his bow and was being egged on by the Human Torch to shoot a glass bottle off the television set.

Peter looked down at his drink, trying to hide his grin. It was nice like this.

“Enjoying yourself?”

Peter resisted urge to jump on the ceiling. “Black Widow!”

The woman smiled at him. “Natasha.”

“Natasha,” he repeated. How do you do that? “Um, yeah. It’s nice here. Right?” He blushed. The Russian spy always unnerved him slightly.

Natasha grinned. “Yeah.”

There was a silence, and they watched the group. Natasha shook her head at them. “Idiots.”

Peter laughed.

There was another silence.

“How are you?” she asked him.

Peter blinked at her. “Um. Good… You?”

“I’m good too.”


“And your boyfriend?”

Peter blushed deeper. “Um…yeah...yeah he’s good. Great. Yep.”

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