"If I hide here..."

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A/N:I swear this story series was supposed to be more equal in the POV section, but it's so enjoyable to watch Peter try and cope with Wade.

Plus, I had to do this chapter like this with the idea I had. :)

"If I hide here, there's no way he can get to me!" he said…

Peter could barely move. His body ached and his head was swimming. He pulled himself forward.

Behind him, only one wall away, was the sound of the enraged creature destroying everything.

Spiderman had managed to lead him to an empty underground car park, but now his strength was depleted.

A new animal villain, Spidey mused, was just what he needed. He was never going to live it down. Why couldn't he have the cool villains like Loki or Doctor Doom?

Not that he enjoyed fighting those guys… but most of his villains were either reptiles or insects. Wade seemed to get a perverse enjoyment of it all. He'd forbidden them from going to the zoo together – because he didn't want Peter to 'become arch-enemies with the lemurs' or 'piss off the pandas'. Same went with pet-shops, aquariums, petting zoos, circuses…Anywhere there were animals really. The fact that this new bad guy looked like some sort of feline crossed with an armadillo wasn't going to help with that teasing at all.

Peter let out a shaky breath. He needed to focus. He needed help.

He needed to get away.

The creature, which Spidey had lovingly dubbed Arma-Kitty, (not his best work, but who cared?) growled and smashed through to his section of the underground. Peter let out an involuntary moan. Everything hurt. He could barely move.

Sometimes being Spiderman sucked.

The Kitty stopped and raised itself into the air. Oh no…it wasn't… smelling him out.. Of course.

The creature obviously caught his scent, because it turned towards him and screeched.

Peter groaned again. Why couldn't it not have superhuman senses?

Just once.

The creature leapt towards him, and in the same breath Peter forced himself to jump up and shoot the creature in the face, landing on the roof. He took a deep breath, ignoring the pained noises of the Kitty, and began to crawl, upside down, heading as far away from the beast as possible. Kitty managed to pull the webbing off its face.

Spidey fell to the floor just before a car flew through the air, hitting the roof where Spidey had been only two seconds previously.

Move, Peter willed himself. MoveMoveMove. 

He began to crawl.

Of course, that was when the car exploded.

Spiderman wasn't sure what had set it off, but he bet it probably had something to do with it being thrown by an armadillo cat monster.

Everything was on fire and hot and loud and Spidey was pretty sure his insurance didn't cover half of what had been going on.

There was another explosion. The creature seemed distracted by the fire, and began to throw other cars, which really wasn't helping with the whole fire and explosions thing.

He needed to get away. Peter looked around wildly. He needed…

An elevator.

It was right there.

He changed direction, pulling himself along the ground towards the door.

He needed to get there. The creature was blindly thrashing around, and Peter didn't like his chances if it stumbled over his way.

If only he wasn't so exhausted.

He wasn't sure, but he may have blacked out slightly, because suddenly he was in front of the elevator door. Peter reached up, pulling himself up as much as he could and pressed the button before collapsing again. There was a pause, before the door opened. Spidey crawled into it.

The last thing he saw before he passed out was the image of the screeching creature as the door shut.

"Petey," a voice sang as someone shook his shoulder. "Wake up. I'm here now."

Peter moaned. He didn't want to wake up. "Five more minutes," he pleaded.

The voice chuckled, and suddenly Peter was flying.

No. He was being picked up. Peter snuggled closer to the warmth of the other man's body.

"You've caused a lot of mess," the voice chided as they began to move. "Luckily I was here to put down that…thing. Felinedillo?"

"ArmaKitty," Spidey corrected him.

The voice made a noise. "Right. Now I know you're exhausted. That was pathetic Peter."

Spidey moaned and the arms around him pulled him closer.

"Come on Spidey, let's go home."

When Peter blinked awake, hours later in his own bedroom, he felt like crap. He groaned.

A hunched up figure at the end of the bed looked up. "Spidey!" Wade said happily. "Welcome back."

Peter sat up slowly and groaned again. "Wade."

His boyfriend leant in and kissed him. "Gave us a bit of a scare," he chided.

Peter rested his head on Wade's shoulder. "Sorry."

Wade froze slightly. Then he wrapped his arms around Peter tightly. "Um, there there."

Peter chuckled tiredly. "What a good boyfriend you are."

Wade made an affronted noise. "I am. Killing that Armadillo creature, carrying you back here, changing your clothes-"

"What?!" Peter looked down, then gave Deadpool a look. "I think that was more for your benefit right?"

Wade nodded. "Yep."

"Am I wearing pants?"

"I was afraid they might hinder your healing."


"Yep." Wade said again.

Peter was torn between laughing and sighing, so instead he pulled himself onto Wade's lap. His lover's eyes widened slightly.

"Um, Petey…"

Peter rested his head back on Wade's shoulder. "Hmm?" he asked innocently.

"You're sorta…naked."


"On my lap."


"Clinging to me."

Peter kissed his neck softly and Wade moaned.


Spidey laughed and pulled himself off Wade, climbing back under the sheets and closing his eyes. "I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Huh- no Peter you can't….that's not fair…Spidey." Wade poked at his boyfriend's hip. "Peter!"

But Peter was already asleep.

…so he hid himself and was quickly found by his friends…

A/n: Peter's such a tease. Not a hundred percent happy with this chapter but *shrug*

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