"If I rest a bit, I'll be fine...."

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“If I rest a bit I’ll be fine, I just need a little sleep that’s all,” he said…

Peter woke up to the sound of scratching at his bedroom window. He ignored it. 

The scratching continued. He sighed and pulled a pillow over his head. He just wanted to sleep. It was one of the few days where he could actually sleep – when the world wasn’t in danger, and neither was his ‘real’ life. He could just sleep. Of course, that was the plan. 

The tapping increased in urgency, and Peter groaned louder. Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut-

There was a smash, and Peter jolted awake. 

He eyed his window, where there was now a hole, and a hand clad in red reaching through.

“What the hell?”

A face appeared by the window. “Sorry Petey,” Wade said in an oddly repentant tone. “I did knock.”

“The door. You’re supposed to knock on the door.”

Wade reached down and undid the latch of the window, opening it. Then he proceeded to fall into Spidey’s apartment, with a lack of grace that was strange even for him, and after his body had hit the ground he made no further movement. 

“…Wade?” Peter asked, worriedly. He looked… like hell. More so than usual. How he managed to get himself up to the window….

Peter suddenly felt like a bad boyfriend. He stood up and crossed to where Deadpool lay. 

Deadpool opened one eye lazily. “I didn’t think…you’d want your neighbours seeing me like this.” He closed the eye again, and that’s when Peter really began to panic. If Deadpool was beginning to make sense… to act normal… 

“What do you need me to do?”

“’s fine. I’ll…sleep it off.”


“Petey.” Deadpool mimicked him, but his voice was far too weak for Peter to feel anything but fear. 

“I’ll call someone!” Peter jumped over to his bedside and picked up his mobile. Thank god Wolverine had given him his number. He dialled it quickly. 

“What’s up?” Logan answered immediately. 

“Ah, Wolverine, it’s Deadpool…”

There was a grunt. “What about him?”

“He’s here and…”

“Just hit him over the head.”

“No, it’s not that! He’s…not healing properly.”

Wolverine waited.

“He just turned up,” Petey continued desperately. “But there’s a hole in his chest and he’s beginning to make sense and-”

“Calm down kid.” Logan finally interjected. “What happened?”

Peter crouched down next to Deadpool and relayed the question. 

Deadpool shrugged weakly. 

“Why aren’t you healing properly?” he tried again. 

“Chemical…agent…” Wade murmured. “Sleep…”

Peter told Logan what he said. Logan paused before replying. 

“Peter, Wilson won’t die. It could take a while, but he’ll recover.”

“How do you-” 

Wolverine had already hung up.

“Sleep…” Wade said again. 

Peter frowned and threw away his phone. He reached under his boyfriend and picked him up, trying not to notice all the blood leaking out of him, placing him gently into the bed. 

A part of his brain cursed how difficult the laundry was going to be. He reached over and began to strip his lover of his damaged clothes. 

Wade’s eyes opened for a second. “…kinky…” he whispered. 

Peter breathed out a shaky breath. “Later,” he promised.

Wade smiled. He smiled. Not smirked, or grinned, he smiled. Peter stood up again and crossed to the bathroom, washing away the blood and trying very very hard not to throw up. 

If Wolverine said he was going to be okay, he was going to be okay, Peter tried to reassure himself. How Logan would know that, Peter had no idea. And besides, Wade was always okay. Always. 

He’d lost arms, legs, been blown up. He’d be fine. 

Peter looked at himself in the mirror and gave himself a small smile. Yes, he’d be fine. 

But when he went back into the bedroom he found it hard to believe. He looked away, trying to figure out what else he could do. He could call Tony, or Doctor Strange…but he doubted they’d know anything more. 

No there was nothing to do. He sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. He leant over and kissed Wade’s forehead. 

He just needed to sleep, that’s all.  

When Peter woke up, the bed was empty. He sat up, rubbing his head. He felt wet and looked down. He was covered in blood. He gasped and threw himself off the bed. Blood….

From Wade. 

“Wade?” He jumped lithely to his feet. “Wade?” 

Where was he, he should be here….

His bedroom door opened to reveal a very alive, and very naked boyfriend. 

“Hey Spidey, what’s up?” 

“Wade!” Peter ran over to him. “But…” He reached to touch Wade’s stomach, where the wound had been. Wade flinched and stepped away. 

“I’m not… It may look healed, but it isn’t.” Deadpool explained quickly. He gave him a wink. “So no kinky sex till later. Sorry Peter, doctor’s orders.”

“Which doctor?” he asked absently.

“Web MD.” 

Peter gave him a look. “Right.” He leant over and kissed him. “I’m glad you’re alright.” 

Wade grinned. “You really do care, don’t you?” 

Peter punched him in the shoulder. “You scared me to death!” 

Wade rubbed his arm and gave him a look of pretend hurt. “Ow Petey.”

Spidey ruffled his hair and looked over his room. “What a mess.”

Deadpool reached over and embraced his lover from behind. “Yeah. I’m trying to figure out if seeing you in my blood is erotic or disgusting.”

Peter looked down and groaned. “I need a shower.”

“Ooh! I’ll watch!”

“No.” Peter replied firmly. “You’ll get rid of this mess.”

Deadpool stuck out his lower lip. “Spoilsport.”


Deadpool laughed. “I’m not the one covered in blood.”

“You’ll be covered in dirt when I bury you alive for this,” Peter muttered. 

Wade laughed again. 

…and then he closed his eyes and woke up three hours later…

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