Chapter 1: The Letter

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Sarah's POV

Sarah was in her bedroom packing all of her things she needed to move into her new apartment. Her father and stepmother were helping out. Toby was too. "I'm really going to miss you all." Sarah said. "We're really going to miss you too, sweatheart. We love you." Her father said to her as both him and her stepmother gave her a big hug. "I wanna come with you, Sarah." Toby said as he reached his little arms out to her. Sarah picked him up and gave him the sweetest hug ever. "I'm afraid I can't fit you into my suitcase." She joked. Toby laughed a big, loud laugh, making his mother giggle. "I'm going to need you to take good care of Lancelot for me, okay?" Sarah said as she gave him the teddy bear. "Okay!" Toby replied as he snuggled Lancelot into his arms. "Oh and also, let us know how things work out with you and that handsome young man, James." Her stepmother added. "I will. Thank you." Sarah replied. "Just remember to come visit us whenever you like. Alright?" Her father said to her. "Okay, Dad. I will. I love you." Sarah said as she gave him another big hug.

When the three of them left to let her continue packing her things, Sarah decided that she might as well pack some of her books. She saw her old book titled "The Labyrinth" on her dresser. She hesitated for a minute, and then thought... what if everything that happened those four years ago could possibly happen again? "This is one I should definately hold on to." Sarah thought. She packed the book into a special pocket in her suitcase.
Once she was all packed, set and ready to go, she drove off.

It was a long drive to the campus. Once she arrived, she got out and looked the large building up and down with amazement. She had never seen any other school like it. Just as Sarah was about to walk in, she ran into her friend, Karissa. "Hey, Sarah!" Karissa shouted. "Hi, Karissa! How are you?" Sarah asked. "Great! Been partying this summer big time! Anyway, what do you think of this school? Beautiful huh?" Karissa asked. "Yeah." Sarah gulped. "I haven't been inside of it yet." She added. "I just got done having a tour around it. You'll definately love it, Sarah. Trust me." Karissa said. "Thanks." Sarah replied. "That makes me feel a lot better." She said. "No prob!" Karissa replied. They waved goodbye to each other and went to find their rooms.

Sarah arived at her room. When she opened the door, she saw that her room was surprisingly large with a big TV, a balcony, a bathroom, a small kitchen, a hallway, and a big, comfortable bed. Sarah couldn't wait to start decorating. Just as she began to drop her bags on the floor, a letter that had her name on it came through her door. Sarah opened the letter.

To: Sarah Williams

Hello, my precious little girl, who is not so little anymore. I just wanted to check in on you and hear how you are doing. It's been a long time since I have seen you and your father. I am so glad to hear that you have been accepted into a great college. I'm still in the acting business. It's a real busy job, what we do here. I just want to let you know that I love you and miss you so much. Keep me updated on what's going on over there at the campus. I'd love to hear.

           Sincerely, Linda Williams

"Mom!" Sarah read every word of the letter with excitement. She just remembered that she had packed her scrap book that had pictures of her and her mother from a couple years ago. Sarah had really missed her mother and wanted to see her some time soon. Oh how she wanted to write back to her. She put the ribbon back on the letter and set it on her nightstand.

Sarah began to get all of her stuff out, fill her shelves with her books, and hang up her clothes. After she was finished with getting everything put together, she took a quick shower to get ready for tomorrow. Sarah plopped backwards onto her bed, which felt even more comfortable than it looked. Sarah then realized that she forgot one last thing she packed into her suitcase. It was her figurine of the Goblin King. She always had him sitting on her dresser at home. She decided to set him on her nightstand, along with her Labyrinth book. Sarah realized how late it was. She finally turned off her lights, settled under the covers and very quickly went to sleep.

A/N And so...Sarah's new life begins! I really hope you enjoyed this slightly short chapter. The next chapter is in the works!

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