Ah misa misa!!

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Me: I'm like L from Death Note: intelligent, loves sweets, and very unique.
(Takes playbuzz test to see who they are)
( Reads: Ah you're MISA Amane!)
Me: (Smiles quivers)whAt? Whatcha say there just then?
Me: This has to be inaccurate.
( Takes another test)
( You got : MISA MISA)
Me: ( Smile gone, eyes twitch) What is this ? Why her? Anyone but light and her, anyone.
Me: I love L-sama!!!! L-sama don't you know how much Bella loves you!!!Did I just refer to myself in third person? Man I just did a juvia. Anyway I'm not as stupid as her!! What a minute....
Me: What if she was playing everyone the whole time? Waiting for them to die out so that she could rule..... Well I would have turned the tables on kira. Not to mention be madly in love with L.
Me: BUT WHY HER?!?!?
( Asks sisters which Death note character I remind them of)
Older one: Misa.
Me: WHYY?!?
Older one: ( Shrugs) I mean you're not as stupid as her and you would have turned the tables of Kira. But yeah you're misa.
Me: But how?!?

Younger one: Don't get mad but........misa?.........
Me: why?
Younger one: um umm ummmmmm.
Me: whyyyyyy

(Takes another quiz)

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